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Important Notices

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  • Jarre
    Re: Important Notices

    N0ope i wont be availiable on 11th

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  • Firewind
    Re: Important Notices

    Okay confirming that I'm 100% available for this Saturday (4th May).

    Also confirming that I will NOT be available next Saturday (11th May) but if I remember right Jarre can't make it that week either.

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  • Jarre
    Re: Important Notices

    this saturdays fine for me

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  • Yygdrasil
    Re: Important Notices

    I should be down. I'll know better by tonight or at latest tomorrow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also: I'm going to make a few new threads to help keep this thread clear. This one was really more for my own personal notes to you guys as well as a I'm Coming/Not Coming/Going to be Late for upcoming sessions.

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  • Armando
    Re: Important Notices

    I'm good. I think I can even finish that Python thing I was working on before then.

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  • Firewind
    Re: Important Notices

    As far as I know I'm available. I think I have something going on on Saturday or next Saturday (will have to double check), but if the session is after 1600 EST then I should still be able to make it.

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  • cidbahamut
    Re: Important Notices

    Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
    Should we start a new thread for parsing damage, damage taken, etc? I think it would be interesting, especially as we level up. we can have a log of how our characters change as we level or as we progress. Anyone else?
    Maybe, we really ought to migrate the discussion of stuff back to the discussion thread at some point. It'd be amusing to see how the damage ends up getting spread out at higher levels. I suspect I'm probably going to end up at the bottom as you guys get access to more spells and Jarre gets more and more Fighter bonuses. Seriously, Jarre was blind for most of the fight and still ended up doing a ton of damage.

    Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
    Oh, and this Saturday is my birthday. A good present from you all would be to play this Saturday I need to be done by 9pm EST in order to go out to dinner, but if you guys are down, so is the EAW.
    I'm game.

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  • Firewind
    Re: Important Notices

    Note to self: Prepare Protection from Arrows and Resist Energy

    - - - Updated - - -

    EDIT: Actually why the fuck aren't I doing that anyway?

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  • Mezlo
    Re: Important Notices

    Originally posted by Firewind View Post
    Either way I'm leaving the huge numbers to the Bad Ass holding the crossbow glaring EVIL looks at me from time to time.

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  • Firewind
    Re: Important Notices

    If someone wants to keep track of it and parse combat data like it's an MMO go ahead. I'm mostly going to be a Support/Utility guy for Combat anyway until I start getting Arcane Trickster levels.

    Either way I'm leaving the huge numbers to the guy holding the giant sword since it's far more efficient and effective to buff the combat specialists like Jarre and Armando than myself. Combat is only part of the game and the most fun Thief-Mage stuff happens out of combat during Roleplay anyway.

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  • Mezlo
    Re: Important Notices

    Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
    Parsing the damage from saturday, Mezlo did the most damage, followed by Jarre, followed by Cid, followed by Firewind and finally Armando.

    Cid had the most kills.

    Jarre sponged up the most damage.
    Should we start a new thread for parsing damage, damage taken, etc? I think it would be interesting, especially as we level up. we can have a log of how our characters change as we level or as we progress. Anyone else?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, and this Saturday is my birthday. A good present from you all would be to play this Saturday I need to be done by 9pm EST in order to go out to dinner, but if you guys are down, so is the EAW.

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  • Yygdrasil
    Re: Important Notices

    Originally posted by Firewind View Post
    I was only asking because I was browsing through the Arcane Trickster page and wondered if you were paying attention or if you'd accidentally let me get away with meta-game mass murder. What you and Armando said was how I already knew it worked and now I'm just covering my tracks so I don't look half as guily as I am of trying to take advantage of an exploit I thought I found..
    Last edited by Yygdrasil; 04-30-2013, 01:01 PM.

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  • Firewind
    Re: Important Notices

    I was only asking because I was browsing through the Arcane Trickster page and wondered just how exploitable the "free action" thing is. What you and Armando said was how I assumed it would work anyway.

    Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
    Parsing the damage from saturday, Mezlo did the most damage, followed by Jarre, followed by Cid, followed by Firewind and finally Armando.

    Cid had the most kills.

    Jarre sponged up the most damage.
    What is hilarious is that Jarre was blind for most of the first encounter and still dealt a ridiculous amount of damage XD

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  • Yygdrasil
    Re: Important Notices

    Originally posted by Firewind View Post
    Actually I just noticed something I want to bring to Yyg's attention:

    Going by how that is written I could theoretically go in and out of invisibility at will when it isn't even my turn since going Invisible is a Free Action. While I'm not the kind of player that would abuse that, how would you interpret it? Interested in getting your input on it.
    I'm not sure why we're even bringing up such an ability. You don't gain access to it until you're a level 9 Trickster. Not a COMBINED level 9.

    Yes it's a versitile and powerful ability with a lot of fun applications... but so are all of the abilities(not to mention spells... oh god the spells) that are availble to a level 9 ANYTHING.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally posted by Armando View Post

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  • Armando
    Re: Important Notices

    I attacked the darkness.

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