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Drunk players

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  • Murphie
    Re: Drunk players

    As long as you can drink responsibly, there's no reason to avoid it altogether. But if you don't like it, then there's nothing wrong with that either.

    Some people just need to learn that other people don't care that you're drinking. So stop telling us about it.

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  • hongman
    Re: Drunk players

    Haha, although tbh, I guess I cant really "judge" the drinking nation becuase I cant drink. Not underage or anything, medication/body doesnt like it.

    So I act a bit "old codger-ish" sometimes...but hell, I still dont see the merit in telling everyone you're so drunk/stoned...much less keep spamming the cha with such BS.

    For those of you that do that though (act drunk. and state the fact may times over), why not make a macro you use on your selected drinking days, saves you having to purposely mistype to make it "sound" like you're hammered after a shandy.

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  • Jarre
    Re: Drunk players

    Originally posted by hongman View Post
    Thing is a lot of people think its cool.
    Puts serious old codger hat on...

    It ain't though, problem is kids these days think drinking is cool, then spend the early hours of the morning in casulty having their stomache pumped.

    The fact is most of the players I have played with that were drunk were complete arseholes and acted so retarded. what onion soldier psoted I have had, and normaly gets me telling them I don't give a shit F off. and boot them from my party.

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  • Necropolis
    Re: Drunk players

    I'm usually plastered Friday through Sunday. But being the whm I get enough jokes about my name being Necropolis, so like hell am I telling them I'm drunk <.<

    I wouldn't say I play better drunk, but I don't think it's hindering me too much (except that I gotta go afk every ten minutes to use the restroom). Times I play sober I find that I'm too easily aggitated with people, and start looking for the Jack ASAP.

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  • hongman
    Re: Drunk players

    Thing is a lot of people think its cool.

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  • Taermus
    Re: Drunk players

    I've never understood the concept of constantly telling people you're drunk or otherwise influenced. I will say something like "I may have had a little bit much to drink," but only if it's causing me to type badly or do something goofy. It's more like an admission rather than a brag.

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  • Neomage
    Re: Drunk players

    I tried a sip of beer once... worst tasting beverage on the planet. I will NEVER touch any of that stuff again, or it's relatives.

    EDIT: This did remind me of one time when I was partying my BLM in Quicksand Caves before ToAU expansion a while back... There was this idiot who obviously wasn't drunk... but he pretended like he was...

    (Moron) Dude I'm soooooo stoooned.....
    (Moron) Damn I'm drunk off my ass....
    (Moron) I am mega wasted guys.
    (Moron) I'm a pothead!
    [Randommonster] hits tank for 47 damage.
    (Moron) Guys you should have some of this crack!
    (Moron) I am so drunk man!
    (Moron) I'm toatally wasted!
    (DD1) TP = 112% <call>
    DD1 uses WS on [Randommonster]
    (Moron) I am so totally wasted.
    (Moron) I'm stoned off my ass.
    Moron uses WS on [Randommonster]
    (Moron) I am major stooonbed!
    <Insert Skillchain Here>
    <Insert my MB here>
    <Insert Moron's MB here>
    (Moron) I am so stoned man!
    (Moron) I am drunk off my ass!
    (Moron) lol guys you should try some of this crack.
    (Moron) I am WASTED dude!
    (Moron) Damn I am so totally drugged!
    Last edited by Onionsoilder; 03-16-2007, 05:51 AM. Reason: EDIT: Bad memories...

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  • Taermus
    Re: Drunk players

    I sometimes work graveyard, so if someone is getting drunk early in the day, it's me. I'm gonna have a couple beverages and play with the euros when I get home.

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  • Murphie
    Re: Drunk players

    How do you stay hydrated?

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  • silentsteel
    Re: Drunk players

    I'm glad to say that I've never drank, and that I never will (unless it were completely unknowingly, even then... Bleagh hope it never happens)

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  • Jarre
    Re: Drunk players

    Thanks for trimming his post icemage, my post was justified though, have to defend my country from major slandar and racist acusations.

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  • eticket109
    Re: Drunk players

    lmao @ krusty... I can't remember what other post of his clued me in, but I figured he wouldn't last long.

    most of my friends or ls mates who have played drunk have come home after a night out and then signed on. typically they just show up a minute or two to check the AH or something like that.

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  • Icemage
    Re: Drunk players

    Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
    Has KI and alla finally filled thier quota of idiots that the overflow is coming here? I did so enjoy the community, and we stayed hidden for so long.

    I think we stayed hidden because people like krusty couldn't spell vanadiel in the google search bar to find us. But alas our nice little community is coming down.
    Not on my watch it isn't.

    Enjoy the peace.


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  • Necropolis
    Re: Drunk players

    Originally posted by kRUSTY
    blah blah blah
    Has KI and alla finally filled thier quota of idiots that the overflow is coming here? I did so enjoy the community, and we stayed hidden for so long.

    I think we stayed hidden because people like krusty couldn't spell vanadiel in the google search bar to find us. But alas our nice little community is coming down.

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  • Ameroth
    Re: Drunk players

    Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
    Mostly no one is ever actually drunk when they play FFXI. Anyone who say they are are actually desperately seeking attention to fill a void that having no friends (to drink with) creates.
    I get drunk as hell while I'm tele-whoring. I play ffxi a lot while I'm drunk. In fact, lots of the time I'll smoke a bowl while I'm playing too. Don't usually exp on my main job while I'm drunk and/or stoned, but I do play blm a lot. Or tele-whore. Or farm. Or lots of other stuff.

    Basically the point of this post is to point out the ignorance and inaccuracy of your post.

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