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Post your custom models!

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  • #76
    Re: Post your custom models!

    post it up i want to see it^^

    Your Mine Dogs Mahahaha


    • #77
      Re: Post your custom models!

      My first successful attempt at any kind of modding was recoloring hair. (The legs came later)

      This was a project that a friend requested of me.

      My first original work, it was cute for a while but I later decided I didn't like looking at it.

      One of my newer projects, taken from another skin.

      Inspired by another work, I'm not 100% happy with it but it's a good start. I'll be adapting this for Taru later.
      Gia - Sandy Rank 10


      • #78
        Re: Post your custom models!

        One of my newer projects, taken from another skin.
        I love that one! Such great colors ^_^

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        • #79
          Re: Post your custom models!

          same as tonko said, that hippy lookin outfit is real sweet ^-^ like it alot, very nice


          • #80
            Re: Post your custom models!

            Alo, Sorry I've been gone long. Work's picked up on me and my laptop died. I've fallen behind on my modding. Here's Perih Vashai's head for Mithra, my next project if I can work out the glitches is Lion's. Her eyes remain closes, as in game, I might have to re-arrange a few trianges is the UV to open space for an eye. Hope you enjoy!
            Attached Files

            "Nauti by nay-cha, not cause I hate-cha!"


            • #81
              Re: Post your custom models!

              Wow! That hair is AWESOME!!!!!!! It is the first Hair Mod that I actually like! I may download that for my Mithra Mule

              Click the image above and Log In!


              • #82
                Re: Post your custom models!

                yes! i've been waiting for this!. one note though, for some reason it removes my legs and wrists in game. they're just completely invisible. i dont know what's up with that. cant figure it out. doesnt do it in MV though


                • #83
                  Re: Post your custom models!

                  I thought I'd have a look at it. It looks really great. I'll be ready to make the permanent change once you can figure out the thing with the eyes. XD I'm not sure what I think about the big pony tail type things...but the quality of this mod is stunning. Great detail!

                  Click the image above and Log In!


                  • #84
                    Re: Post your custom models!

                    Ive made a sakkat, fassion sunglasses and doctors headband, but wlel they are takeing some time to skin, Ive only just learnt how to put skins noto the model in the program i use, and i cant seem to controll what part goes where ¬_¬

                    Anyway once their done ill make sure to post them up for you guys to see

                    that is if i ever get my computer working so that i can compress MQO's into .DAT's


                    After a LOT of random command smashing on GC3 I fianly for the ability to comvery MQO back to DAT, hurray!

                    So there is my first of 3 Ragnarok online headgears Ive made for FFXI, I have made the Models for the Sakkat and Doctors headband but skinning them is proveing tricky seeing as i have NO idea what I'm doing with it, but I will get there eventualy. Tomorrow if my day to play FFXI so i will have one done by about sunday
                    Last edited by Kuro; 11-24-2005, 02:36 PM.


                    • #85
                      Re: Post your custom models!

                      Well, I'm new to this to be honest, just started a few days ago with the help of Devifoxx.
                      I decided after a long 2 hours of downloading devifoxxs collection to make my own ninja armor.

                      I used the following as base for the custom:

                      Head: None
                      Body: Melee Cyclas
                      Hands: Melee Gloves ( Monk AF2 ) ( since I use kotes )
                      Legs: Ninja Hakama
                      Feet: Ninja kyahans ~ which I'll be working on soon.

                      I also edited his Face a bit, blue eyes and a slight scar on the side of his cheek.

                      I'll be also doing the ninja custom weapon, with maybe a set of a sword and katan or just both kunais / katana.

                      Hope you like it =].


                      • #86
                        Re: Post your custom models!

                        I'd love to have those fashion sunglasses for Elvaan Female


                        • #87
                          Re: Post your custom models!

                          ok, With that model its simply a case of putting the model for the speks on the same .MQO as the elvaan female head and moveing it to there it needs to be, copying and changeing the origenal.

                          that is if my model viewer dosent start up again ^-^


                          • #88
                            Re: Post your custom models!

                            Actually seeing your glasses kinda make me wanna remodel a pair of shades to look like my favorite pair I have IRL

                            When I make armor I try to make any custom armor I made at least available for all the female races (except tarutaru - it takes longer to make it for them)


                            • #89
                              Re: Post your custom models!

                              lol, well i made the female elvaan ones jst not and uploaded them in the .dat collection thread

                              a pic of the female elvaan wearing them is in the zip file


                              • #90
                                Re: Post your custom models!

                                Here's a rough model I'm working on for fun - doesn't animate well but looks pretty
                                Attached Files

