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How day of week effect the synthesizing?

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  • #46
    Stop this BS about "previous day". I guess it must come from bad translation of JP site.
    Here is the most important thing to know, as it works for almost everything in this game :
    Lightning -> Water -> Fire -> Ice -> Wind -> Earth -> Lightning
    Dark -> Light -> Dark.

    Now a very easy test I ran :
    wait for full moon.
    If like me you have a huge woodcraft skill, wait for windsday.
    synth arrowood log on windsday. You ll get almost zero multi synths, and also you might get some failures (I tested with ~50 in woodcraft skill). I got 2 failures and 1x2 synth on 36 crystals.
    The following day is Icesday. All of a sudden you will start making almost ony x2 x3 and x4 synths, without failure and with only a very few x1 synths.. The difference is really impressive. 48 synths, zero failures, and over 75% of multi synths with many x3 and x4.
    I have yet to run test at full moon on watersday (the "day before"), but I am pretty sure already the results won't be anything comparable to icesday. I 'll report after test though.

    Basically, what I say is that the best day for using a crystal (at least for failure rates and critical results) is the day for wich the element is strong to the element of the crystal (so Icesday for Wind crystal, Darksday for light crystal, Watersday for Fire crystal, etc..). I 'll run further tests to confirm, but I am pretty convinced already, since it is also what makes the most sense with all that SE tells about elements.
    The worst day, I think, is the day of the crystal (just like a fire based creature is weak to water but resistant to fire, for instance). Next full moon where I am not busy, I'll spend a few hours testing each day of week and recording results, to confirm.


    • #47

      I should read what I write twice, sometimes... I of course don't have a "huge" woodcraft skill. I just meant it's quite higher than my other skills wich are closer to zero :p


      • #48
        I can agree with above poster on this. Using wind crystals on Wind day, I received only 2 HQ, and had 2 failures! (30+ above the synth). However, when using Earth crystals on Wind day, I was seeing A LOT of skill ups (.1 and .2) and only a few failures.

        I've reached the conclusion that the you want to use a crystal of type X on the day of type Y where X is weak to Y. (for skillup purposes). For HQ purposes, day before or day after may be better, have not done enough testing to determine. But I am SURE that day that is same element you are using is not a smart idea.


        • #49


          • #50
            well from what i have read from this thread alone..... i believe it is like this

            The day that ur crystal is weak against will come out failure more but have more skill ups...

            The day that ur crystal is strong against is better for success and HQ ............... correct me if im wrong plz

            P.S. has anyone had a HQ synth with an item that is non-HQ like a copper ingot???? i have....instead of just the one "slash" mark i got 2-5 "slash" marks when in the final step of synthing......<anyone that has made HQ items knows what im talking about>
            Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
            up and kill.

            DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

            <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

            Bastok Rank 4
            Others Rank 1


            • #51
              Lightning -> Water -> Fire -> Ice -> Wind -> Earth -> Lightning
              Dark -> Light -> Dark.
              This thread has been confusing as to which day to Synth, I'm mainly curious about Wind Crystals because those are the ones I use the most.

              Since Ice is strong against Wind, and Wind is strong against Earth, which day am I synthing on? I think someone should say what days they should synth on for the corresponding crystal.
              There is no knowledge without experience.
              San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
              Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


              • #52


                • #53
                  from doing a fair bit of testing over the past week and a half or so (which is why i haven't leveled) i have to agree with Ektarot - the "previous day" and "next day" were most likely bad translations.

                  i've always had the picture of the elemental "circle" stuck on my desk while playing, and going back over it again means it's way more obvious when to craft to get either skill or HQ. (pity i haven't got an image of it i can upload anywhere, talk to the guy in north sandoria on the balcony outside the carpenters guild shop to see the picture)

                  if you want to gain skill, synth on the day that the crystal you are using is WEAK to (i.e. if you're making ingots with fire crystals for skillup you want to synth on watersday). note that this will mean a higher failure rate so it's best to do this on a full moon. also, this has a higher chance of getting a HQ result than normal.

                  if you want to have a better chance at success, synth on the day that the crystal you are using is STRONG to (i.e. again if you're making ingots with fire crystals for profit and want as few failures as possible, you want to synth on iceday). this also doesn't have a great HQ rate as shown by Ektarot's woodcarving figures.

                  lightsday and darksday are basically opposites so if you're fixing fishing rods and want skillups, synth on darksday (and vice-versa for recipes that use dark crystals). lightsday has a small influence on success rate and darksday has a small influence on skillup rate, but nothing near as pronounced as the elemental influence.

                  moon phase is more complex but it's generally assumed that a full moon will give a greater chance of success, and a new moon will give a greater chance of skillup and HQ.

                  so if you want the ideal conditions for synthing, there are just a couple of rules to follow:

                  1. If you want SKILL or HQ, synth during a new moon on the day that the crystal is WEAK to.

                  2. If you want SUCCESS, synth during a full moon on the day that the crystal is STRONG to.

                  obviously this will limit the amount of time you can reliably synth on (game week is 8 days but moon phase changes every 7 days, so they only overlap 3 times per conquest week and for a little under an hour of realtime), but by far the most important is the day of synthing (moon phase is only really important when you want that ultimate HQ item [e.g. cursed -1 items], or you can't afford to waste any materials [e.g. scorpion harness - it's a pain in the ass to have to get another venomous claw each time])

                  hope this is of some use to people
                  Genkai 5: Completed @ 66 in 8min17s (
                  All Artifact Complete!


                  • #54
                    good job, and thinks for clearing this up, ill have to agree with you on your conclusions
                    DRG 57 PLD 53 DRK 30 THF 15 SAM 27


                    • #55
                      i know this is off topic but.... u can HQ a ingot? ( i.e. Copper ingot)
                      Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
                      up and kill.

                      DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

                      <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

                      Bastok Rank 4
                      Others Rank 1


                      • #56
                        peda - you can get steel ingots from HQ'ing iron ingots (4x iron ore, fire crystal).
                        don't be jealous
                        actually be jealous, just don't bother me lol


                        • #57
                          OooOoOOOooOoo nvr new that ,,,,, isnt that BSing ? cause i gold smith
                          Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
                          up and kill.

                          DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

                          <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

                          Bastok Rank 4
                          Others Rank 1


                          • #58
                            Hmm, interesting remarks here. Here are my personal findings:

                            I get the best success rates on synths on the following days, in order of magnitude(greatest to least)

                            1). Day of the crystal
                            2). Day of the element weak vs crystal(example: fire crystal/ice day)
                            3). Lightsday

                            I get the worst success rates on synths on the following days, in order of magnitude:

                            1). Day of the element strong vs the crystal(example: fire crystal/watersday)
                            2). Darksday

                            Day before/day after in the weekly cycle of days does not seem to have any effect on success rates or HQ rates for me.

                            I get the best HQ rates on synths on the following days, in order of magnitude

                            1). Day of the element strong vs the crystal(example fire crystal/watersday)
                            2). Day of the element weak vs the crystal(example: fire crystal/iceday)
                            3). Lightsday(I think? Jury's still out on this one).

                            I get the worst HQ rates on synths on the following days, in order of magnitude

                            1). Darksday(only suppresses HQs on certain synths, some desynths HQ frequently on this day. Not sure about this)
                            2). Day of the crystal.

                            As far as light crystals and dark crystals go, I find that it's best for me to do all my synths with these crystals on lightsday. My rationale:

                            Light crystal on lightsday:

                            Major bonus to success rate for synthing on the day of the crystal, minor generic bonus to success rates applied to all synths by Lightsday, minor generic bonus to HQ rates applied to all synths by Lightsday. Possible minor penalty to HQ rates for synthing on the day of the crystal.

                            Dark crystal on lightsday: decent bonus to success rate for synthing on the day of the element weak vs the crystal, minor bonus to HQs for synthing on the day of the element weak vs the crystal, minor bonus to HQs applied to all synths on Lightsday.

                            For some reason, when using dark crystals on lightsday, the penalties that theoretically should emerge when using a crystal on the day of the element strong vs the crystal do not emerge. I get higher success rates with dark crystals on lightsday than I do on darksday. I would assume that similar conditions prevail when using light crystals on darksday, though given the latent bonuses/penalties associated with lightsday and darksday, I believe that you'll see better success rates with light crystals on lightsday(rather than darksday).


                            • #59
                              I'm not sure if anybody noticed this but in taoist and ektarots ideas I think are contradictory. In ektarots

                              Lightning -> Water -> Fire -> Ice -> Wind -> Earth -> Lightning
                              Dark -> Light -> Dark.

                              He says craft on watersday with fire crystals for less failure and more HQ, and he also mentions wind crystals on ice day, light crystals on darksday etc.... Therefore with whatever crystal you were crafting with you go one back on the above list and that would be the day you want to craft on.

                              "(so Icesday for Wind crystal, Darksday for light crystal, Watersday for Fire crystal, etc..)"

                              In Taoist's perspective: "Also, I think if the crystal is strong against the day element, then skill ups will occur faster."

                              Ektarot's perspective: "Basically, what I say is that the best day for using a crystal (at least for failure rates and critical results) is the day for wich the element is strong to the element of the crystal "

                              These are reverse perspectives and I would like to know which people find to be more viable.


                              • #60
                                Let us look at this in a logical perspective.

                                We have the Elemental Cycle:

                                Fire -> Ice -> Wind -> Earth -> Lightning -> Water

                                Dark <-> Light

                                So now I will use Wind Crystals as an example.

                                Wind Element is strong against Earth Element.
                                Ice Element is strong against Wind Element.

                                So on Earthsday the Wind Crystal will be strong.
                                When one uses a strong good tool you will have an easy time, not a big challenge, a smooth ride. You will have no problem making a product, but will neither gain much knowledge from it.
                                This is why the skillup rate is lowered, but the sucess rate is higher.

                                But on Iceday the Wind Element will be weak.
                                When one uses a tool with limited potential you must really concentrate. You have to take smart detours, come up with techniques and little tricks to avoid failure, really put your back into it. This way you discover new ways to do something, you learn more.
                                That is why you get better skillups, but also have a lowered sucess rate.

                                HQ's with poor tools however puzzles me. As I see it, it's a logical flaw. But, it has also been proven to be true...
                                Hmm. Maybe by using these smart detours you stumble upon a different solution that gives you a better result that normal, but wich is rather advanced so you can't remember and reapeat. Or that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

                                Darksday and Lightsday as I see it are omnifunctional in a crafting point of view.
                                Lightsday is weak to all elements, thus giving your crafts Effect Nr.1.
                                Darksday is strong versus all elements, and gives effect Nr.2.

                                Also remember [ Dark <-> Light ]. So Light and Dark Crystals should be exeptions.

                                This is just a theory, and an idea about the philosophy of synthesis by elemental energies... You don't need to take it serious but it might serve as a support when building your theories and commencing in game experiments.
                                I quit. :O

