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TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

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  • TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

    Hey, so lately I keep getting this VERY annoying Windows Error pop-up saying some bullshit about a TCP/IP control error or some BS, usually paired alongside a quick pop-up from Flash (which I just finished updating)

    Thing is, it goes away before I can even finish reading it....

    I JUST finished removing all the spyware & fixing registries and shit on my PC so I don't think it's that....

    A friend of mine suggested reformatting my PC, though I'm extremely reluctant to do so. Any suggestions?


  • #2
    Re: TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

    uninstall flash and see if the error keeps coming up, could be as simple as flash being stupid, then reisntall fash and see if that clears it up or if it comes back.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

      Flash shouldn't be causing any TCP/IP errors of any kind. That sounds more like you have some sort of software hook in your system. Re-installing Windows is probably your best bet if you don't want to try to troubleshoot. You don't have to reformat to re-install.



      • #4
        Re: TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

        Well, my brother has a copy of windows 7 so I may just upgrade to that and hopefully that'll fix it.

        It's incredibly annoying since I lose full-screen during SC2 and FFXIV. My internet in general is being wonky lately though and I really really wish our stupid government would allow some of the major U.S. companies in here. Bell & Rogers have such a monopoly and offer complete CRAP for what they charge it makes me want to cut myself;

        Look at that BS. The most I can hope to get is 50 download and 2 upload for $100 a month, and IT'S STILL CAPPED BANDWIDTH!?!

        When I was visiting my grandpa last month I saw an add from Verizon for a 150 download/35 upload connection and I'm fairly certain unlimited use. Even comcast's basic package offers like a 200 GB monthly cap.

        It's no wonder I keep getting raped by lag when I play FPS games. Some of the broadband options you guys have down there are unreal. We're living in the freaking stoneage by comparison.



        • #5
          Re: TCP/IP Error Pop-up?

          Have you tried to "roll back" the most current installations/updates? Unless you've turned off System Recovery, that's your last resort before doing a wipe-n-reload, which is the most drastic thing any user can do (unless you're a casual PC user with very little installed and to lose)

