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Google Chrome

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  • #16
    Re: Google Chrome

    Google is continuing to expand in a market they basically already control. Meh.

    At the time being, their new Chrome browser seems nice and all, but not really enough for me to jump away from FF.

    Incidentally, none of this matters anyway. In a generation or two, Google will own the world anyway and you wont have a choice in what browser you use. Make your choices while you still can.

    edit: a related link about (dumb) ToS agreements.
    Last edited by Ameroth; 09-03-2008, 04:10 PM.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #17
      Re: Google Chrome

      Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
      Wow, so much for not being evil . . .
      They've been doing this for years. As with anything google, you basically have to either say "No, Thanks" or trust that they won't be evil. So far, I trust them, although given their sheer power it wouldn't take much for that to stop.

      Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
      Incognito mode.

      I can finally browse in peace.
      Firefox has had plugins for stuff like this for a very long time. Tab renaming, history and cache blocking, etc.

      Originally posted by Balfree View Post
      lol, and? as if the internet wasnt already like that even without you agreeing to it.
      Completely wrong. Copyright and privacy still apply, even on the internet, as long as you're willing to put in a bit of effort.

      As for the whole Opera Vs. Firefox Vs. GC Vs. IE thing:


      • #18
        Re: Google Chrome

        No, I'm not completely wrong.

        Copyright and piracy still applies, but nothing's stopping anyone from doing something behind your back without you being able to do squat about it.

        Even in my line of work, I can see all my client's emails without they ever knowing, lets hope they're not using their email to send out CC info or other sensible information to anyone.

        Point is, the Internet is never safe, your own security can be breached at the blink of an eye (because there is always someone who CAN control WHAT you can do on your computer, unless you make your own OS), and no anti-virus or firewall or any other protection will ever be as effective as a non-existant Internet connection.
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #19
          Re: Google Chrome

          Originally posted by Balfree View Post
          but nothing's stopping anyone from doing something behind your back without you being able to do squat about it.
          Except, you know, the law. The same thing that keeps that from happening in the real world.

          And when you agree to a TOS, a court is going to look on that like a contract, and that's going to change your legal standing.


          • #20
            Yea the law.

            The law really does work on the internet. The law allowed you to use that avatar? That signature? You buy your anime? *really?* You've never downloaded anything illegally?

            Where's the law?

            Net neutrality will establish law on the Internet, and people will revolt once it does.

            Also, watch me vandalize a ToS agreement on a vulnerable forum (people inject stuff on websites all the time, just look at somepage), and screwing people's lives that registered on that forum.

            Oh and by the way, Google removed that ToS line, apparently they have a habit to copy-paste their ToS into every application they do, only they removed it this once on their new browser. Still, using all the other services puts you in a vulnerable situation, were any of you not aware of this before? Nothing's free...
            Last edited by Balfree; 09-04-2008, 12:58 AM.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #21
              Re: Google Chrome

              Originally posted by Balfree View Post
              Where's the law?
              Same place as it is in real life whenever someone runs a red light, or cheats on their taxes. They might not always notice, and they might not always care, but when they do you're still just as vulnerable. Just because most people break the law from time to time doesn't mean that they aren't still able to be taken to court for it.

              Originally posted by Balfree View Post
              Also, watch me vandalize a ToS agreement on a vulnerable forum (people inject stuff on websites all the time, just look at somepage), and screwing people's lives that registered on that forum.
              Ignoring the laws this would break by itself, an altered contract like that would certainly not hold up in any sane court.


              • #22
                Re: Google Chrome

                The point isn't that the law can be broken, its that the Internet isn't safe.

                And Google just altered their ToS, is that against the law? I believe even SE's changed their ToS... it's not against the law to change a contract.

                Are you sure no one can change a service's ToS that you're registered with? Here's how to do it:

                Slap 300 lines of ToS agreements, and another one saying they are allowed to change their ToS without telling you, making you responsible for monitoring that ToS everytime you use their service, 90% of the people will ignore the ToS completely and just sign up, without knowing the risks they're running.

                The Internet isn't safe.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #23
                  Re: Google Chrome

                  I'm still trying it out. I like the minimalist GUI. I don't like how Youtube videos can cause the browser to freeze up for minutes on end.
                  Character: Bricklayer
                  Server: Ramuh
                  31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


                  • #24
                    Re: Google Chrome

                    Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                    The point isn't that the law can be broken, its that the Internet isn't safe.
                    Neither is reality. Wear a helmet.

                    If I walk outside my house, someone could stab me and call all of my insides to spill out, killing me. Hell, even if I stay in my house, someone could smash in a window and kill me. That's worse than anything someone could do to me on the internet. That doesn't mean I don't leave my house. Well, out of fear anyway. I don't leave my house often, but it's not out of fear.

                    Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                    And Google just altered their ToS, is that against the law? I believe even SE's changed their ToS... it's not against the law to change a contract.
                    When you are not a party to that contract? I'll honestly say I have no clue, but there's gotta be a law against it somewhere. Beyond that, yes, an altered contract is invalid. Most TOS have a "we can change this at any time, and you agree to that" clause in them, so it is not invalidated.


                    • #25
                      Re: Google Chrome

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      Neither is reality. Wear a helmet.

                      If I walk outside my house, someone could stab me and call all of my insides to spill out, killing me. Hell, even if I stay in my house, someone could smash in a window and kill me. That's worse than anything someone could do to me on the internet. That doesn't mean I don't leave my house. Well, out of fear anyway. I don't leave my house often, but it's not out of fear.
                      Then wtf are we arguing about?

                      This was all about people scared at GC's ToS when it means squat when the Internet is already an unsafe environment.

                      And atleast where I live, they even change the laws without letting the citizens know unless the media counts as an official vehicle of that kind of information, we're the ones who need to inform ourselves and keep ourselves updated on that kind of stuff.
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #26
                        Re: Google Chrome

                        Trying it now...... (a brief technical assessment)

                        I have 10 tabs open in firefox (with rather long histories) and I'm at 79,332kb...

                        I have 5 tabs open (all from pages I also have open in Firefox) in Chrome and I have:

                        7 chrome processes,

                        Parent process: 37,596K
                        Children: 28,328K, 17,268K, 17,456K, 17,256K, 10,072K, and 9,432K...
                        Total: 137,408K

                        That means that Firefox is about 58% of the total size of the chrome processes with twice as many tabs open, but on average, each chrome process is about 25% as large as Firefox.

                        What's that mean?

                        Refocusing a Chrome tab should be faster if it gets popped out to VRAM. However, if you have a lot of RAM, then Chrome will actually take up MORE of your RAM.


                        Chrome is better if you're caching to Virtual Ram a lot as attempting to refocus one of the spawn windows won't cause the memory manager to load the whole memory image back into RAM. Firefox is still smaller overall presumably because of the thread wrappers for the chrome processes, and as long as you have enough total ram to run Firefox with whatever else you're running, it will be able to refocus just as fast as Chrome, but will occupy a smaller fraction of your total RAM.

                        I'll stick with Firefox, but thanks to you for the heads up.

                        I could try it with the same tab set, but meh... you try that.

                        I'm also not quite sure why there are 7 processes but only 5 tabs... I closed all my tabs (except this one) and now I have 2 chrome processes. It appears to have one large main process and then spawns another process for each page. Bah! I had to check... MS Hotmail is our winner. MS Hotmail spawns two processes when you access it. That accounts for the 7th process.

                        That might be an annoying exploit... I wonder what spawned the extra process... Depending on what it was, it would be possible for someone to easily flood a system with an annoyingly huge array of Chrome processes. I'm not sure I like that--even if caused by idiocy rather than malignancy.

                        As for Firefox, I drive the Jeep, and I would hate to go without my...

                        Split Browser
                        Move Media Player (for watching Family Guy)
                        FFXI Helper (FTW)

                        and my unfortunately defunct Text-to-Speech AddOn which I really, really miss QQ...

                        The only TTS Addon I can find now only reads web pages written in Esperanto.... What? Esperanto... Yes, you heard correctly--Esperanto... FTMFL....

                        Oh, and as for that little licensing doodad, I don't think that they can steal your copyrights with it.. I believe it's most likely related to the thumbnails on the new tab screen--it caches your webpages and then re-displays them later for your convenience. Although I wouldn't say that Google is some sort of saintly institution, and I'll disclaim that I'm not a lawyer.
                        Last edited by Sabaron; 09-05-2008, 04:17 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Google Chrome

                          I'd rather hold Firefox's hand while scampering through the Red Light District of teh interwebz o.o

