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Blu in COP

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  • Blu in COP

    So i'm running thru The 1st three prommies tonite again and was wondering whats a good DD combo for jobs/SJ and also good spells the empties are weak to.

    So far the I'm going as BLU to be a DD or whatever role i feel like filling.

    I can sub
    /thf /war /nin /mnk /rdm and /whm

    I could mantain an even balance with offensive and defensive blu magic and healing/damage spells by going /rdm so i can bend anyway the party goes...Also i could wear Warlocks Shield but that only gives +7 hp and mp not really special but helpfull none the less to me as a galka.

    Now on to setting spells. I don't have any experience in prommy with my blu so i don't know what spells will really be effective. I'm guessing slashing type spells such as claw cyclone will be effective...but a lil danger to use since its AOE style...

    So help me out i'm looking for some good ideas and helpfull hints i wanna get these done for my LS tonite....UGh...prolly another long nite.

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: Blu in COP

    BLU/WAR is a pretty solid tank at Promyvion. As with XP parties, Coccoon > everything.

    BLU/THF isn't as cool; you have Sneak Attack, but not much in the way of solid 1-hit attack spells that would benefit. Bludgeon is still decent at this level too, with or without Sneak Attack.

    BLU/WHM is OK if your party is hurting for backup healing, but doesn't really offer much beyond Divine Seal, Paralyna and Poisona.

    AoE spells are OK in Promyvion, very rarely are you sleeping things anyway, and even when you are they're usually far enough apart where the area attack isn't going to be an issue.



    • #3
      Re: Blu in COP

      Head Butt to help out tank(s), especially when they are in trouble? May want to just spam it during harder fights if you have Yagudo drink up, to keep the critters dazed.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: Blu in COP

        Yeah, Yagudo Drinks + Head Butt rules on the bosses here; helps a ton. You can also throw in a Bludgeon here and there in between Head Butts for some nice dmg. On the way up, Claw Cyclone is nice too. Remember that it's frontal AoE only. It's pretty nice to use on the Strays the MRs spawn especially: if you're lined up correctly, it will kill the Stray AND hurt the MR. You can also stun the stupid knockback move that the MRs use with Head Butt, which is nice.

        Rank 10 All Nations
        Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
        Assault Rank: Captain
        Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
        Unique Quests complete: 465
        Maps Obtained: 79/79

