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Buying/Selling with the Auction House

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  • Mezlo
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    You should have done what I did, which was use the Delivery Box as a virtual storage area. Send stuff to yourself, and it'll queue up in your d-box, I think at one point I had nearly 100 items floating in my delivery box that way.

    Nowadays of course there's plenty of storage and inventory so this isn't as useful a trick, but it worked for me and didn't cost me anything but a bit of hassle if I had to find something in my box.

    I did this after I face palmed about the AH snafu i made. And you can have 100 floating in the delivcery box, it maxes out until things are taken out of the delivery box. /puts on his thinking cap... i think the max items you can have sent in the delivery box that arent retrieved is like 16.

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  • Icemage
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
    Not really... You pay a tax to put an item up for sale... I forget the amount, but I lost alot of gil doing that.
    You should have done what I did, which was use the Delivery Box as a virtual storage area. Send stuff to yourself, and it'll queue up in your d-box, I think at one point I had nearly 100 items floating in my delivery box that way.

    Nowadays of course there's plenty of storage and inventory so this isn't as useful a trick, but it worked for me and didn't cost me anything but a bit of hassle if I had to find something in my box.


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  • Aksannyi
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    I forgot about that, lol.

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  • Mezlo
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
    Win win, extra storage space for a few days, and if someone was stupid enough to buy it, you have a buttload of extra cash.

    Not really... You pay a tax to put an item up for sale... I forget the amount, but I lost alot of gil doing that.

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  • Aksannyi
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Win win, extra storage space for a few days, and if someone was stupid enough to buy it, you have a buttload of extra cash.

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  • Mezlo
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    When I first started playing ffxi, I an out of space so i took a level 30 polearm and put it for sale for 1 million gil at the AH knowing good and well no one would pay1 million gil for it thus additional storage space for me. Anyone see an issue with the maneuver?

    (and yes I had been drinking...)

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  • Firewind
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    It's why I love If I loot something I don't need I can quickly check how much it sells for on the GTN and how much I would get from an NPC. From there I can make a quick judgement as to if I should list it, hold on to it because it could be useful for a quest, or just sell it to an NPC. Scroll drops are really nice when you start off since some spells (like Paralyze or Slow) are used by magi from 1-99, which means anyone without the classes that can learn the spell levelled will need it at some point.

    It also lets you check how many of a certain item sell per day. If it says that say 50 stacks of Meat Mithkabobs sell per day and there are 60 listed, then you are unlikely to make a sale unless you are willing to drop your prices. Basic Market Saturation stuff really.

    Another trick worth noting: it is possible to "mail" an item to yourself if you lack the storage for it. As long as the item can be traded (So not EX), you can speak to an NPC at the Auction House and send the item to yourself.

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  • Lord Ravenclaw
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Indeed. I sold a Paralyze scroll that I looted from a Quadav in North Gustaberg. ^_^

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  • Firewind
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Nice. Some spell scrolls sell for quite a lot but be very careful as to which ones you are selling. You NEVER want to sell scrolls you got from quests regardless of the price as the quests are always non-repeatable and you WILL regret it later. Especially spells like Sleepga II, Warp, Escape, Teleport and Recall. Just don't do it, it is one of the stupidest things you can do and there's a VERY good reason why quest only spells are so expensive.

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  • Lord Ravenclaw
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    I've just been able to log back on to find that the Paralyze Spell Scroll I put up for sale netted me 6k (I already knew the spell). In total, I pulled in 16k from the items I had on sale ^_^

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  • Lord Ravenclaw
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Thanks Jarre

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  • Jarre
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    Don't forget also to do the book quests to increase exp and just sell everything that drops from mobs, honey goes ok.

    Fields of Valor - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more

    Also might be worth reading my blog when I started although alittle out of date most is still relevant...

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  • Lord Ravenclaw
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    That is much more informative, thank you

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  • Icemage
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    It's worth elaborating on the auction house system, since this is someone sort of new to how it works.

    When Firewind spoke of a "blind" auction, what he means is that the buyer has no idea what price the sellers have set their price at (nor does each seller know what price the other sellers have set at).

    Say for instance you want to sell a stack of 12 Earth Crystals on the auction house.

    The auction history might look something like this


    That just tells you what the last 10 successful sales were. A sale is successful when a buyer bids enough to at least match the minimum price set by at least one seller. That part is the obvious bit.

    What isn't obvious is that the buyer is matched with the seller with the lowest reserve price.

    Let's say there are 4 other people selling a stack of earth crystals already, and (unbeknownst to you), they've priced their stacks like so:


    Let's say you put your stack up at 4000.

    So what happens when someone buys a stack? Well, it depends on how much they bid.

    If they bid 3500 or higher, the first stack at 3500 will be sold to them at the price they bid, no matter the price offered. Even if someone offers 5000, it will still choose the person who set their reserve at 3500 first. On the minus side for that seller, if someone is smart and starts bidding at 3500, that sale will also be valid, and they'll only get 3500 for their crystals.

    So now there are 4 stacks left including yours, and the lowest acceptable price is 3800. That 3800 stack will get sold next. Then the one at 3901. Then your stack at 4000. (these are all assuming people bid at least these amounts natrually).

    Note that the one at 4100 is the last to be sold, and if no one offers at least 4100, it won't be sold unless someone gets desperate and raises their bid because now a 4000 bid won't get that last stack, so until someone offers at least 4100, those crystals won't get sold.

    This is why you see fluctuations in the auction price history. People who are interested in moving their wares faster can set lower reserve amounts, but that means buyers can offer less, which drives the price history down and devalues the item being sold. Conversely, if demand is high, sellers can choose to do what the hypothetical 4100 gil seller did, and try to drive up the price to take advantage of the increased demand.

    In other words, lower price = faster sale, but risks making the market weaker. Higher price = slower sale, maybe even a risk of getting the item returned to you and not selling at all, but for items in high demand can also increase your profits if the item does get sold because of impatient buyers. That would be why your 4000 price stack won't sell even though you might see a whole list of sales at 4000, because maybe people are pricing at 3999 or something.

    Last edited by Icemage; 04-18-2013, 02:10 PM.

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  • Aksannyi
    Re: Buying/Selling with the Auction House

    There are a handful of quests in each town that hand you some free gear, really not that many but every bit helps, if you're able to complete them by the time you've outleveled the equipment.

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