We have all seen it or experienced it... your ingredients cost more than the item sells for or takes so long to farm you deem it better to earn gil in another fashsion.
I propose crafted items should have a set minimum within the auction-house of at least the cost of the ingredients including the crystal used and a profit margin added in dependent on the syth level. Why...to eliminate undercutiting and steady the flow gil. Spread the wealth so to speak(Obama-lingo
)I'm a lvl 70 cook and it pained me on the rise to 70 with the profit loss I had to incur, though expected, and that I still face. Some may disagree, but all points of view are welcome to help me improve this situation...
How the h#!! do you get new syth combinations without someone showing mercy and telling you???

How the h#!! do you get new syth combinations without someone showing mercy and telling you???
