Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
You've gotten the opinion of this forum that your idea doesn't work. It would unbalance the economy which we've already been through before and don't want to go there again.
You insult the veteran players in your very first post and are clueless why people are offended.
You've gotten the opinions, which you don't accept, and are now provoking people for responses so....
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Price Controls Needed...No?
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by Mhurron View PostYou're alternative is, instead of breaking the economy, learn how to play the game. Successful crafters don't work around the economy, they work with it by doing a little research.
You didn't want an alternative, you didn't want to learn. you wanted someone to tell you how to mine for fish for teh quick gilz. When shown how stupid your plan is, you bitch about how older players just don't want their easy ride taken from them. You're a troll and not a very good one.If I wanted a get gil quick scheme I would be a casino or buy from rmt, ruin monetary trade, personnel. lma$$o I also ended my last post, and this is my last, with STOP CRYING...
Last edited by BLADEnCURSE; 12-13-2008, 08:11 AM.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by BLADEnCURSE View PostI was a waiting for someone to introduce an alternative ... Working around the current economy
You didn't want an alternative, you didn't want to learn. you wanted someone to tell you how to mine for fish for teh quick gilz. When shown how stupid your plan is, you bitch about how older players just don't want their easy ride taken from them. You're a troll and not a very good one.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Stop talking, go away, and never come back.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
ku ku ku... how testy some get.. I was a waiting for someone to introduce an alternative, or a few actuallly, but it turned into an attack fest on me instead of a pooling of ideas. Some commets were made on why it would not work but none followed up with any clear counter alternatives that are not being used. Working around the current economy is somthing all current player must do to be successful in FFXI. So that would be somthing better left unsaid since it should be common knowledge to any serious player. All in all i must say i'm unimpressed. I saw more impudence from posts here than expected and few with any clear headway made for true prolonged or fruitful disscusion. Lock if you wish but I thought those uninterested would simply read maybe make a post and that's it and not become irrate with my steadfast sense of my ideas....The proof is in the pudding...
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Yea just lock this, he's clearly trolling now. Someone didn't inform him that's what Alla/KI are for.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
In before lock.
Raydeus' post count raises 1 point.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
your ingredients cost more than the item sells for or takes so long to farm you deem it better to earn gil in another fashsion.
I propose crafted items should have a set minimum within the auction-house of at least the cost of the ingredients including the crystal used and a profit margin added in dependent on the syth level.
Example. I believe that Holy Waters NPC for what, 300, 600 gil each? We'll say 300. So yes, I will be buying and NPCing any stack of Holy Waters that is on the AH for under 3,600 gil. It's the player's fault for putting it up there. If he wanted to make Holy Waters why put them up on the AH for less than what they are worth to the NPC? Keeping in mind that it costs money to put thing up on the AH. Very foolish person who should have known better. Like, n00b type person, and I don't use that word lightly.
How the h#!! do you get new syth combinations without someone showing mercy and telling you???
To guess the correct combination would seem simple for simple syths ,but still daunting, but for some that would be rather far
Hmmmmm. I see so those mainly agaist the idea are older , veteran, players. Indeed any change in a system that is well known is going to make bete players, or from the start players, very twitcy. But change can be good...
You do realise that the effect of the change that you propose may not be that good right?
Since any price floor is above the current market price, otherwise it wouldn't be a price floor, we only need to consider that scenario.
Because the price can no longer fall below a certain level, this lets producers sell at a higher price than before, and consequently they increase output. Consumers now have to pay more, and reduce how much of a good they buy or stop buying that particular good altogether. Things get a little complicated as consumers buy less of the good and producers lower the output of the good until things are in a new equilibrium. I'd have to pull out paper and graph it to really see what would happen, which just isn't worth it to me. Just eyeballing it though, market becomes over saturated, and what normally happens is that the government buys the excess, dunno what SE would do if anything. If they do nothing, then suppliers would drop out until an equilibrium was reached.
So in short, more money for those still selling in the market, but total number of sellers is reduced.
There is no "easy" way to make money which makes buying the larger price tag items a chore. Same as it always has been.
And lastly Curse, either bold you bracketed comments or separate them out because it's a pain in the ass to read the way you're currently doing it.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by Ameroth View PostYeah that's really getting obnoxious. Just post your comments/replies in the reply box like everyone else. {No}
ps. smartass comments on people's posts really doesn't make it look like you are taking any of this seriously{I am...but I am...}.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by BLADEnCURSE View Postcomments also added in {} above...
ps. smartass comments on people's posts really doesn't make it look like you are taking any of this seriously.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
You proposed that crafted items should have a set minimum price on the AH in you very first post, if that doesn't smell of "get rich easy" then maybe you should learn to reword your posts.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by Clever Ninja View PostOur economy is actually stable as it is, it was a hell of a lot worse in 2006 when I started playing. While arguing with you is worthless just judging by how you're commenting on everyone elses comments{why not it's more fun this way}, I'll teach you the easy way to make more gil so you shut up.
Step 1; Level Clothcraft to some level, whether it be 17 or in the 40's, whatever.
Step 2; Buy lightning crystals
Step 3; Farm tonberry coats or gigas socks or something related to your clothcraft level, and desynth them for threads.
Step 4; Congrats, you have gil.
comments also added in {} above...
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Our economy is actually stable as it is, it was a hell of a lot worse in 2006 when I started playing. While arguing with you is worthless just judging by how you're commenting on everyone elses comments, I'll teach you the easy way to make more gil so you shut up.
Step 1; Level Clothcraft to some level, whether it be 17 or in the 40's, whatever.
Step 2; Buy lightning crystals
Step 3; Farm tonberry coats or gigas socks or something related to your clothcraft level, and desynth them for threads.
Step 4; Congrats, you have gil.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by Caspian View PostSo the ffxi economy is now broken or near broken? I haven't played in several months but I somehow doubt it suddenly did a 180 and everything went to hell in a handbasket.
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Re: Price Controls Needed...No?
Originally posted by Caspian View PostSo the ffxi economy is now broken or near broken?{ not to my knowledge...} I haven't played in several months {come back} but I somehow doubt it suddenly did a 180 and everything went to hell in a handbasket. Is it "broken" because there's about to be rioting in Whitegate's streets{surely not come now...} or is it "broken" because you don't like it because its costing you money to skill up cooking?{ i play because I enjoy cost to play and I have been playing since 2005...i don't mind spending on skillups}
You said comments in brackets to Ellipses' post. Did I miss the part where you commented on that?{yes you's like what i'm doing here...}The filter at work may have cut out that part of your post, but both he and Lunaryn made very good arguments for why things are the way they are and why what you have suggested would not work.{ and I welcome and appriciate those points of view...}
Not only that but you also said in your first post:
So its not just that you want to break even gil-wise on your way to 100 cooking, its that you want to make money doing it, despite the point Lunaryn made about skilling up having worth in and of itself.{Greed is Good}
I may be wrong, but I get the impression you've come from another game where leveling crafts was relatively painless and cheap.{never played another MMO and don't plan on it...FFXI is not one of those games. I currently play WoW and while there are a few crafts that require a decent monetary investment to hit cap, most are very cheap and will easily pay for themselves. Even with those that cost money, money is not a hard commodity to come by in the game. Its not meant to be. They're inherently different games on many levels. Personally, I enjoy having a more difficult time skilling a craft and be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment when I do reach level cap, rather than having it handed to me with little work and no monetary investment.
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