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Test your knowledge of US history <__<!

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  • Test your knowledge of US history <__<!

    I have about... 8 of them done, but alot are really tough questions (yes, it's for school work: extra credit )
    See what you know

    1. An organization built on a pyramid structure.
    2. The King of Babylonia who created a system of laws.
    3. To change someone's court sentence.
    4. The process of selecting a candidate for a particular political party.
    5. This form of government gains power by force.
    6. A paper written by Thomas Paine.
    7. Under this role the president carries out federal law.
    8. This is what interest groups use to create public attitudes.
    9. This called for a constitution with one house of Congress.
    10. These were written to gather support for the Constitution.
    11. What is another name for the battle of Bunker Hill?
    12. The division of power between state and federal governments.
    13. What is another word for foreign trade? (Hint: starts with a C)
    14. What is another word for distributed? (Hint: Congress gives money to certain programs)
    15. Giving offices or favors to supporters.
    16. The last name of the man who first explained three divisions of government.
    17. He wrote the Divine Right of Kings. (Hint: Did he need a key?)
    18. This person is 7th in line to take power of the United States.
    19. The people a senator represents are known as what?
    20. These people were also called thinkers.
    21. This man created the elephant to represent Republicans.
    22. This type of amendment does not change the wording of the Constitution.
    23. Which state did not send delegates to the First Continental Congress?

    What I have so far:

    1. Hierarchy
    2. Hammurabi
    3. Adjudication
    4. Primary
    5. Anarchy
    6. Common Sense
    7. Chief Executive
    16. Montesquieu

    In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
    And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
    Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
    Yeah, It’s true.
    It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

    [I love you, Rebecca :D!]

  • #2
    Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

    It seems mostly like politics, and there is more to American history besides politics..a lot more then just that.
    Last edited by Mystiqsoulchild; 10-29-2008, 01:02 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

      Personally I don't see any real reference to your real history there.

      Now if it was about the Mayflower, and the first colonies from england that first settled your country then I could help you alot as some of the "Pilgrims" came from the region i live in.


      • #4
        Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

        Originally posted by Jarre View Post
        Personally I don't see any real reference to your real history there.

        Now if it was about the Mayflower, and the first colonies from england that first settled your country then I could help you alot as some of the "Pilgrims" came from the region i live in.
        Also don't forget the Boston tea party, the civil war, the revolution, the Alamo etc...


        • #5
          Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

          It's sorta history related. About half of it has to do more with the history behind the history than the history itself. The other half is more based on the political system in general.

          Anyway, I got about 9 of them, and one of them I found the answer to on Wikipedia in about seven seconds. I can also say that one of your answers is completely wrong. Hint: Consult a dictionary.


          • #6
            Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

            Sharing is caring, Feba
            Yeah, I think Anarchy or Adjudication is wrong, eh?

            And, I ment US Government, it's an extra credit assignment for 25 points, but I can't get alot of them, even google is failing meee

            This is what I have so far, care to correct lol?

            Not sure on 3, 5 and 15..
            1. Answer- Hierarchy
            2. Answer- Hammurabi
            3. Answer- Adjudication?
            4. Answer- Primary
            5. Answer- Anarchy?
            6. Answer- Common Sense
            7. Answer- Chief Executive
            8. Answer- Lobbyists
            9. Answer- Unicameral
            10. Answer- Federalist Papers
            11. Answer- Little Big Horn
            12. Answer- Federation
            13. Answer- commerce
            14. Answer- Grant
            15. Answer- disbursement
            16. Answer- Montesquieu
            17. Answer- Francis Scott Key
            18. Answer- The attorney general
            19. Answer- Constituents
            20. Answer- Philosophers
            21. Answer- Thomas Nast
            22. Answer- Informal amendment
            23. Answer- Georgia
            Last edited by Tipsy; 10-29-2008, 03:58 AM.
            In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
            And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
            Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
            Yeah, It’s true.
            It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

            [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


            • #7
              Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

              I'm just going to say that if knowledge of U.S History relied on a complete knowledge of politics, even presidential candidates (not just VPs) would be totally screwed


              • #8
                Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                And, I ment US Government, it's an extra credit assignment for 25 points, but I can't get alot of them,
                So you asked everyone else to do your homework?
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                  3 seems like it would be appeal
                  5 is dictatorship
                  Death and taxes...
                  Death and taxes...
                  DEATH and taxes...
                  I think I like it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                    Hmm, some of these are actually serious answers.

                    1. An organization built on a pyramid structure.
                    Answer: Ponzi Scheme, or Multi-Level Marketing Plan.
                    2. The King of Babylonia who created a system of laws.
                    Answer: Hammurabi
                    3. To change someone's court sentence.
                    Answer: Commute
                    4. The process of selecting a candidate for a particular political party.
                    Answer: Primary or Caucus.
                    5. This form of government gains power by force.
                    Answer: Revolutionary
                    6. A paper written by Thomas Paine.
                    Answer: Common Sense
                    7. Under this role the president carries out federal law.
                    Answer: Executive
                    8. This is what interest groups use to create public attitudes.
                    Answer: Political Action Committees
                    9. This called for a constitution with one house of Congress.
                    Answer: Articles of Confederation
                    10. These were written to gather support for the Constitution.
                    Answer: Federalist Papers
                    11. What is another name for the battle of Bunker Hill?
                    Answer: Breed's Hill?
                    12. The division of power between state and federal governments.
                    Answer: Article III, but I think there's a simpler name for it. Separation of Powers?
                    13. What is another word for foreign trade? (Hint: starts with a C)
                    Answer: Commerce
                    14. What is another word for distributed? (Hint: Congress gives money to certain programs)
                    Answer: Earmarked
                    15. Giving offices or favors to supporters.
                    Answer: Cronyism
                    16. The last name of the man who first explained three divisions of government.
                    Answer: No idea, but I like Hamilton, so we'll go with that.
                    17. He wrote the Divine Right of Kings. (Hint: Did he need a key?)
                    Answer: John Locke
                    18. This person is 7th in line to take power of the United States.
                    Answer: Michael Mukasey, Atty Gen.
                    19. The people a senator represents are known as what?
                    Answer: constituents
                    20. These people were also called thinkers.
                    Answer: Liberals, as opposed to: conservatives, who are AKA mindless, lumbering idiots.
                    21. This man created the elephant to represent Republicans.
                    Answer: William H. Taft. Or at least it should be, he was fat enough.
                    22. This type of amendment does not change the wording of the Constitution.
                    Answer: Non-ratified.
                    23. Which state did not send delegates to the First Continental Congress?
                    Answer: Rhode Island. Or you could just start listing states formed after that year.

                    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                    • #11
                      Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                      Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                      Sharing is caring, Feba
                      I gave you a hint. Do your homework yourself.

                      Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                      Wrong. First of all, that's a type of person or group, not government. Once it's in power, it wouldn't be revolutionary, would it? Secondly, there are revolutions that don't involve overthrowing the government, or using violence (see Gandhi, US Civil Rights Movement, etc)


                      • #12
                        Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                        Hmm US history you say? sounds like a garbled mess of political reforms through the history of many different nations. You deceived me I was looking forward to making a list of Wars the USA has won on their own. Ill give you a hint it is more than zero and less than two. Bonus point who was it fought against.

                        sig courtesy tgm
                        retired -08


                        • #13
                          Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                          Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                          Hmm US history you say? sounds like a garbled mess of political reforms through the history of many different nations. You deceived me I was looking forward to making a list of Wars the USA has won on their own. Ill give you a hint it is more than zero and less than two. Bonus point who was it fought against.
                          The Revolutionary War against the British, when we proclaimed our independence in the United States. (the civil war don't count though.)


                          • #14
                            Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                            Revolutionary war was won with the help of the French.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #15
                              Re: Test your knowledge of US history &lt;__&lt;!

                              Hmm then it has to be the Civil War (if you can event count that.) LOL! (South Vs the North.)

