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Beta Assistance PLEASE!

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  • Beta Assistance PLEASE!

    So, I got an e-mail back from SE regarding the issue with the promotional code for FF13...

    and I was basically told that I have to send my inquiry to the beta devs, which means I need to already have been accepted and thus able to log into the beta site.

    This is bullshit of the highest order. Could anyone who's gotten to the beta please alert the devs of this error? It's fucking retarded that I have to go and spend $70+ tax just for a CHANCE to participate in the beta, because as it turns out my PC can't run the game and my previous application (before this bullshit started) was for the PC client.

    I really want to get in on the beta god damn it, and I am not amused by SE's crap.


  • #2
    Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

    I don't understand.

    When you purchase FFXIII you receive a code that allows you to join the PS3 beta. You put the code into your SE account, and I think it spits out a new code for the application. I'm pretty sure those codes are stored in your SE account.


    • #3
      Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

      I don't own FF13.

      When the Beta Apps began, you had the option of picking the PS3 beta then too (before FF13 was even out)

      But now, unless you actually own and have registered that game, you can not even apply for the PS3 beta, only PC. That's completely retarded.



      • #4
        Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

        Though completely their discretion of course. Doesn't make it any less silly, but it's their game, they can decide the terms of application to the beta.


        • #5
          Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

          There is obviously some mistake there probably on their end, makes hardly any sense... talk to them see if they can fix it, let them know they're just wasting a beta slot otherwise...
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #6
            Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

            True that. I mean, before going all ragey, contacting them might help.


            • #7
              Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

              He did contact them.

              Still, it's not that serious. It's just a beta.

              If they send me a key, I'll gladly send it your way. I probably wont have any time to play it anyways.


              • #8
                Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                Yeah, try to keep a cool head.

                I really only lash out at customer service when I know they're bullshitting me based off another rep telling me the opposite. Until then, remain polite and keep a cool head at all times.

                I recently found that most Nintendo service reps will bend over backward to help you, but that they are also not without their assholes that don't listen.

                The real key here is persistence and a cool head. If you get one unhelpful guy, don't give up. Call again and try to get someone else. Now, SE Customer Service where POL is concerned... that requires a lot of patience, but do be patient and try not to see the other person as some evil monster keeping you from what you want.

                In other words, don't be yourself in this case.


                • #9
                  Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                  Why is this in the FFXIV section?

                  Sorry, I have nothing else to contribute, I was just really confused when I opened this thread.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                    In the original application they stated that it was for the PC version only. They also asked if you'd prefer to test the beta on PC or PS3. Not if you were applying to test the beta on PS3 only.

                    Since all PS3s are the same specs, they really only need one to test the game. The rest of the bugs can be found on the PC version. Which is why they're giving people who buy FFXIII a chance to try the beta; because it's just a luxury, not necessary.

                    If you don't want to buy FFXIII, either apply for the PC beta, or ask a friend with FFXIII for their code. If you're not going to do either of these to get to your goal of playing in beta, just get over it. It's not the end of the world.


                    • #11
                      Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!


                      I mean, I think.


                      • #12
                        Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                        From the way Malacite's original post sounded, he already signed up and something happened.....honestly still not sure ;p

                        could you explain the "issue" ?
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                          I went to the Q&A site regarding the Beta via support tab on FFXIV website, and e-mailed them about the problem.

                          This is what I got;

                          Dear Customer,

                          Regarding your request for account support. Please find your answer below.

                          We do apologize, however the SQUARE ENIX Support Center cannot provide any assistance with the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta in any fashion, beyond providing assistance with SQUARE ENIX ID login information, such as ID retrieval, or password reset assistance.

                          If you have received notification that you have been selected for the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta, then the SQUARE ENIX ID attached to the email address that the notification was sent to will be provided access to the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta website at . Only those SQUARE ENIX IDs that have been selected for the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta will have access to the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta website.

                          If you are receiving an error when attempting to log into the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta website, then the SQUARE ENIX ID that you are using has not been selected for the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta. Please doublecheck all notifications sent regarding the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta to ensure that you are attempting to log in with the correct SQUARE ENIX ID.

                          Any other issues regarding the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta must be reported or addressed through the forums available on the FINAL FANTASY XIV beta website, available at

                          Thank you for contacting the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.
                          For additional assistance with this issue, you can reply to this email directly. For assistance with a new issue, please visit the SQUARE ENIX Support Center at SQUARE ENIX Support Center.

                          So basically they can't help, and the only way I can apparently get help is from the beta site, which you need to already have gotten an invitation to to even log into. Real great service there SE. So I can't even tell the people who matter that you can't sign up unless you bought FF13, which is completely asinine in the first place. I can see them giving priority to those who bought 13 (which admittedly I would have, if I hadn't expected it to be so damned good after I rented it but I did almost everything there is to do within a week so why buy it after that?) but to completely exclude PS3 owners who didn't buy the game? Yeah okay then.

                          FFS I have my PS3 copy pre-ordered and already paid in full...

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                            So then why do they want you as a tester? They already know you're going to play*. You aren't entitled to access to the beta, after all.
                            Last edited by Murphie; 06-18-2010, 10:31 PM. Reason: *They really don't though because I doubt they care about your preorders.


                            • #15
                              Re: Beta Assistance PLEASE!

                              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                              So then why do they want you as a tester? They already know you're going to play*. You aren't entitled to access to the beta, after all.
                              I can still cancel the thing technically - and they don't know that about my pre-order either I was just saying that.

                              And it's not a matter of entitlement - it's a matter of bullshit practices. Why do PS3 owners have to pay when it's free for PC users? That would be like Microsoft giving free XBL to anyone who has an elite (or now slim i guess) and forcing everyone else to still pay for XBL.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

