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Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

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  • Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

    Having not looking forward to exping as a main heal or a duo healer in parties I've decided to solo after picking smn up at 37 where i left it there for long time.

    My soloing mob of choice, Goblins, why, they asplode with tp. Bombs I might look at later if I cannot find a goblin camp of choice.

    Area of choice for 36-39:
    Yuhtunga Jungle: Goblins at the OP.
    There is a then stretch where you're able to effectively kite goblins right of the op if you were facing away from the structure.

    Area of choice 39-46:
    Gustav Tunnel: Goblin Poacher and Goblin Reaper at the zone first camp.
    Check with /sea Gustav before planning on moving there. If you see any in the 38-44 range in a party, better not try there for a while.
    Goblin poacher is the easy one to kite around being a ranger. And normally the easist of the two to die from bomb tossing. At 43ish til become safe/worth while to use Poison Nails BP or summon Fenrir for the first pull. The Goblin Reaper will be difficult. It loves to cast Bio II and come at you with Rush after re/summoning carbuncle. You'd want to max out your distance with these critters. As in, get to a range where carby's hp bar dissappears before casting on yourself. It'll also give you the best distance to resummon carbuncle with little difficulty. For your kitting path, take them into the tunnel on the way to the zone at the first bend going up. Then wait at the bottom near the opening to the Poacher spawn.

    Alternative spot if Gustav is taken: Eastern Altepa Desert
    You can hold your kiting camp at the OP. Here, you can go parallel of the op at any direction. For distance, go far to the point where you can't see carby or the goblin anymore. But if you can max out while targeting the Goblin, after practicing a while that's also good. Careful, 2 Lost Souls, one war type other mage spawns on the western side of the outpost. (Edited 11/19/07 1:31am EST)Also, there is a robber/poacher group where the dhamel wonders around. If you're kiting around that edge, I highly recommend you take out those two first to prevent any possible links after carby dies.

    I'll update for other areas/levels as I try them.

    Update October 25, 2008
    48-50 Soloing through Campaign Pre nerf. Solo spot unknown to be best here. Probally at the 46 camp now, but unknown.

    50-55 Garlaige Citadel off Hellmines. On Serket map at the I-8 area, 4 hell mines in each corner but beware of the undead in the room. Solo stretch from where carby starts fighting to the far west until it's hp doesn't show. NOTE Until 53 Carbuncle will be defeated barely within the recast time to summon a new one. Caution Beetles, bats and elementals spawn and roam within the solo stretch! Bring oils/powders or carefully dodge them. If you get a bst partner here you can duo the beetles. Avatar recommended for beetles, Shiva using Double Slap and meleeing it. As of the moment I don't know how long you will be able to get worthwhile exp off the hellmines, but I'd assume until 58. Ifrit's Cauldron as an alt, I'm not liking it due to the layout of the zone at this time and level range.

    Updated May 7th 2009

    58-61 Ifrit's Cauldron. Target Volcanic Gas. Using the far east entrance where you have to go through the lake that has Woodland Sage pop and the ??? for the nin af Kappa sahagin is my current ideal location. In the cauldron, theres 4 spawns on that map. All of them safe distance between one another to kite and respawns shouldn't be a complete issue. Only danger, 2 Dire Bat spawns in the kiting path, 3 if you go the complete opposite way from the first Gas spawn. Take caution when applying sneak. Cast it within range and the Gas will chase until it has hit you once. First Gas spawn can tend to be tricky, but if its fighting behind the wall on the H-9, H-10, I-9, I-10 square can be safe to recast anything even with the battle music up. If Carby and the Gas is fighting at H-9 you would hear the battle music at I-10, which does make it easy to know when to recast as you can see Carbuncle's HP bar. Next bomb spawn is in the F/G-8/9 square with a Dire Bat there. After finishing the first bomb you can take this one and kite it the same way. Go into the tunnel for the third bomb. Just kite in the tunnel to I-9. Note the tunnel and the spawn after it is on a different map. Final spawn to take on, should be hanging around the altar of ashes. Just use the tunnel as your kiting path, in side you should be able to see Carbuncle's HP bar if you engange the bomb near the altar. Just remember, keep running for about 17 seconds after each Carbuncle resummon to give you enough distance to recast. Add 5-7 more if you're in the low levels for this camp's range. Just take caution for the Altar of Ashe's area. There's a bomb in the tunnel next to it. After this one is dead work your way back with the dire bat area bomb then the first spawn.
    Last edited by Akashimo; 05-07-2009, 10:22 AM. Reason: updated
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

  • #2
    Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

    I remember reading this about soloing Goblins.

    II - Goblins

    Unlike bombs, Goblins are of huge abundance across Vana'diel and available at probably every conceivable level. The pros about these guys is that Bomb Toss sometimes 1-shots the mob and gives you quick exp. The downside is that if the Bomb Toss doesnt kill the Gobby but does kill Carby, you have to be prepared. You don't want them to be too tough for Carby to handle because as their levels increase, Goblins tend to have pretty strong attack power.

    Soloing Notes:

    > Goblins have a variety of TP moves and spells, depending on their job, but all of them have the TP move you'll want them to do to kill themselves, which is called
    Bomb Toss (AoE fire based damage). This TP move does NOT always kill the goblin off so it'll require a fair bit of luck.

    > It is usually better to Carby-kite goblins. Their Bomb Toss can be fatal as it can trigger at any HP % on the Goblin. The amount of damage depend on the gobbies remaining HP.

    > As Goblin are beastmen, they have many job types. Try to avoid mages that can negate damage through stoneskin and THF goblins which have such high accuracy that Carby has a problem hitting them. Also, do not choose gobbies that are too high above your level as they will not only kill Carby quickly but Carby will have problems holding hate with them.

    > All Goblins aggro and link. There may be a need to Carby-pull the mob you wish to solo. Some Goblins (BST type) have pets which link to their master too, so exercise caution before pulling them.

    Recommended Spots:

    Altepa Desert Outpost
    Goblins - Somepage listing

    Main reason I didn't want to solo them is because of the statement in big bold letters. Although, I'm not bashing you or anything. I'm still looking forward to hearing your experiences.

    Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

    I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


    • #3
      Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

      Hehe, i had some close calls, like when the goblin bomb toss on me before focusing on the resummoned carby. That and I had to zone once or twice on the Reapers due to the fact they aspir me when I was low on mp since they love being die hards. One even almost kill me from a sucide toss on second carbuncle bringing me down to 1 hp XD
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #4
        Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

        I've been wanting to get back into Summoner as well (either as a second/third/fourth main job, or so I can sub it to whm at a later date). I think I'm going to look forward to reading what you have learned about this, but it looks a lot like a strategy you would use against the 20 cap avatar fights (run away, recast carby, and let him auto-tank what you're fighting), and outside carby meleeing them to death, hope for the off chance on a dropped bomb.

        Out of curiosity, any suggestions for 34-36?
        Kindadarii (Bahamut)
        90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
        70.3 + 2 Woodworking
        52.2 Synergy

        Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


        • #5
          Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

          Originally posted by KingOfZeal View Post
          I've been wanting to get back into Summoner as well (either as a second/third/fourth main job, or so I can sub it to whm at a later date). I think I'm going to look forward to reading what you have learned about this, but it looks a lot like a strategy you would use against the 20 cap avatar fights (run away, recast carby, and let him auto-tank what you're fighting), and outside carby meleeing them to death, hope for the off chance on a dropped bomb.
          Pretty much as a cut and dry back bone
          Though <.<; I have to admit, I couldn't win a single 20 cap fight ; ;
          Originally posted by KingOfZeal View Post
          Out of curiosity, any suggestions for 34-36?
          Hmm, been awhile since I've done anything in those levels. I'd might try appling that strategy to either the Goblin Smithy's or the Goblins hiding around Z'Tah. But to be honest, I really wouldn't know. If you can get some info, please post your experiences on it.

          Also, edited the Eastern Altepa Desert Section.
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #6
            Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

            How quickly can you get gobs to kill themselves while doing this? Getting mobs to use a specific TP move is already a pain as it is.


            • #7
              Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

              Originally posted by Armando View Post
              How quickly can you get gobs to kill themselves while doing this? Getting mobs to use a specific TP move is already a pain as it is.
              Its really completely random. A few rare times its taken 1 carbuncle or fenrir. So about 2 minutes or less. Average takes 3 cabuncles ranging from 3-9 minutes. Extreme cases lasted where I had to astral flow once or twice, but not always, due to mp and carby ends up finishing the mob with no sucide bomb toss. The extreme ones took about 9-15 minutes, where one of the goblins respawned during a carbuncle resummon.
              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


              • #8
                Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                20 cap avatar fights aren't that hard if you prepare well. Don't skimp on items, I recommend a second Yagudo Drink in case of timing difficulty, and you can't have too many Hi-Potions. Bring Ethers, not Hi-Ethers; you should only need two of them, though. Some people recommend a Hermes Quencher for emergencies, I brought one but never used it. Macro everything you're going to need. Above all, don't panic. Watch the BP: Rage recast, and make sure before you hit it again that: 1) Refresh is still up: if not, pop your second Yagudo Drink. 2) You have enough MP: If Refresh wore you might be slightly short, wait the extra couple seconds to get back up; it's also a common mistake to forget to pop the Ether; if your MP is way too low, you've probably failed to do this, just use it and hit the BP when you're done.

                Also, don't forget to buff fully. If you have Light spirit you can get shell from it, if not, having a friend cast Shell before you go is extremely helpful, though not in my experience necessary. Use appropriate barspells if you can. Your buffs aren't stripped upon entry, so if you're slightly over level 20 this can be used to your advantage. Aquaveil is worth bothering with, and a Hermit's Wand and Heko Obi +1 won't hurt either. Bring good defensive gear, it doesn't have to be the best, but having level 20 gear like Trader's Saio and Bonze's Circlet can help.

                That said, a lot of the prep for such a fight would probably be prohibitively expensive for soloing mobs, but since you're not trying to support Astral Flow BPs, it's not as demanding either. Definitely invest in def gear and buff as possible, and carrying around a couple Hi-Potions for emergencies wouldn't be a bad idea.
                Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                Clothcraft 24
                Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                • #9
                  Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                  That's what I thought. In that case, I really feel the need to ask: why not just fight bombs? There's no luck involved in Self-destruct, and they still only have two Feral Skills.


                  • #10
                    Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                    I think the mini-guide on the 20-cap fights is kinda off-topic. I only brought it up since it shared similar strategies, and there are plenty of places one could find more detailed explanations on it.

                    As far as why gobbies instead of bombs, though, I think is because sometimes the bomb camps do get overcrowded (and, correct me if I'm wrong, but they generally don't happen until at least 40s). I think gobs are a fair alternative to them, though not as reliable as bombs would be.

                    While I'm on the subject of bombs, is there a guide for SMN soloing? I did a quick search for one, but I wasn't able to find one. Or, would it be similar to a blm solo guide with beastmen pets?
                    Kindadarii (Bahamut)
                    90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
                    70.3 + 2 Woodworking
                    52.2 Synergy

                    Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


                    • #11
                      Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      That's what I thought. In that case, I really feel the need to ask: why not just fight bombs? There's no luck involved in Self-destruct, and they still only have two Feral Skills.
                      Unless you take Moblins, Goblins have only 2 feral skills too. Rush and Toss. Bombs Self-Destruct and their beserk. But Bombs to Magic aggro and if any of the camps I've seen where there is bombs, its not gonna be as easy as Goblin Camps would. I'll try them as I can, but no guarentees on it.

                      KingOfZeal: I doubt there is any out there, most just takes what parties throw at them. I know a few manage in Ifrit's Cauldren and on Lesser Colibri in the higher levels, but thats about it.
                      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                      • #12
                        Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        That's what I thought. In that case, I really feel the need to ask: why not just fight bombs? There's no luck involved in Self-destruct, and they still only have two Feral Skills.
                        Except for bombs in Garlaige Citadel which isn't a safe place to fight bombs at all, the next level of bombs are better done by a level 50+ smn. I agree soloing Goblins isn't very fruitful, but it is one of smn's options.

                        I chose to fight lower level mobs (often gobs) duoing with carby, also not very fruitful, but I had more fun doing that than letting carby solo. On a side note, skillchaining with your avatar is fun.
                        "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


                        • #13
                          Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                          Any ideas on where a 25 SMN could solo? I know it's going to be difficult but I don't mind resting, and with my food and equip I top out at 403 MP. I just play really late at night because of my work hours and it's hard to start a pt usually.
                          Reporter: So Randy, did you write the check yet?
                          Moss:When you're rich you don't write checks
                          Reporter: If you don't write checks, how do you pay these guys?
                          Moss: Straight cash, homey.


                          • #14
                            Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                            I tried this tack for kicks when I was around level 25 smn (I think) in Lower Delkfutt's Tower. The goblins were all high toughs so it will have been around there.

                            I think the worst one I remember going through 4-5 carbuncles on one goblin but I only did this for an hour or so plus any longer than that and I was zoning the mob because I ran out of mp (which happened a couple of times). It's not uber exp but it does work, though can't see it being reliable without a close zone line just because of the time limit imposed by your mp, goblins being unreliably suicidal.
                            Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                            • #15
                              Re: Carbuncle and Bomb Tosses - A solo guide

                              Just an update on trying different camps.

                              Tried the bombs where most bsts solo in the GC, no dice, too high for a 46 Carbuncle.

                              Yhoator Jungle around Woodland Sage spawn area. Dangerous. Not recommended. Due to links and Master Courel and the possibility that nm might spawn.

                              Goblinsavior spawn area inside Gustav. To risky, only managable spot can cause aggro by a wondering robber. Poacher roams near a reaper which mishandled would cause a link there, worse case, after carby dies.

                              Right now, I'm just trying to get the last 1k of my level and campaign is looking real nice for that. <.< >.>; Yeah, might be a little necro bump.
                              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

