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New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

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  • New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

    So, what do you guys think RDM will be able to Merit with the new update? I read that there's an enfeeble "Breakga" in the DATs, so we'll probably get that. I don't even know what it does, but I'd be really happy for new enfeebles.

    But that's the only one I've read about. I haven't heard of refreshga or refresh2 (thank God, unless it was self-cast only lol) in the DATs, so I really don't know what the other 3 will be (SE said the older jobs will get at least 4)

    I spent my first merit point on convert timer and kind of regret it already because these new ones could be really cool.

  • #2
    Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

    I spent my first merits on +MP but I don't expect much from the Merit stuff, what I'm waiting for are all the job adjustments they talked a long time ago.

    Tier II enfs should be lvl 50-60 (if we ever get them) so that wont count for merits either.

    I'm expecting something on the lines of Diaga really...
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #3
      Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

      Tier II Enfeebles would be nice. I'm still holding out for Refresh II as a RDM ONRY spell. Maybe more Fast Cast Job Traits would make me happy. But honestly, I'm having a hard time speculating what we would get. Another Job ability would be nice, and since other jobs might be getting job abilities, the idea of that Crimson Veil might actually work.
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      • #4
        Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

        Originally posted by tdh
        I'm still holding out for Refresh II as a RDM ONRY spell.
        Yes because Refresh is subbable.

        Curse maybe, but really RDM won't get much.
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        • #5
          Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

          Curse would be awesome. I think if they let us merit the enfeebs or give tier2s as merits, it would be awesome (because I don't really see them giving them to us as lower lvl spells).

          Really, all of my efforts as 75 rdm is to improve my soloing, so anything that would help that would be cool to me. Better enfeebles, self-cast spells, meritting fast cast- all of those would be great.

          If they give us Diaga merits and resist petrify merriting, I will strangle SE.


          • #6
            Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

            It'll be interesting to see how they manage to balance our usefulness in a pt with our already powerful soloing ability. Tier 2 feebs would be great, but imagine how great a powered up slow or paralyze would be when 1v1

            I honestly wouldn't be surprised at some crappy skills either , though. Maybe they'll add the area effect Phalanx. I can't see that significantly altering gameplay dynamics, if its mp cost is reasonable.


            • #7
              Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

              I thought the new merits included new Job Abilities . . ..


              • #8
                Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                A List of all the un-incorperated spells, leaving out the obvoius ones RDM won't get(Like Fire V and Freeze II, though BLM might get them and RDM may get IV teir)

                Black Magic:

                Gravity II
                Poision III/V(+ -gas, though highly unlikely)
                Bio III-V

                White Magic

                Dia III-V
                Diaga II-V
                Bar(Status or element) II(I would laugh soooooo hard if we got these)
                Phalanx II
                Break/Petrify(+ -ga)
                [Sorry, no refresh II]

                Looking at this list, I think RDM will get Phalanx II, Dia/Bio III, Mabye Diaga II, Curse, Virus and possibly Confuse seem likely, and Gravity II, mabye Poision III.

                If RDM gets the same amount as SMN will likely get(6), I think Dia III, Bio III, Gravity II, Poision III, Virus and Phalanx II.

                Personally I want Virus, it would be awsome for ballista. Aspir + Virus on other mages. "Thats for silencing me!"
                Originally posted by Ellipses
                Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                Originally posted by MCLV
                A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                More Sig:


                • #9
                  Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                  I can see it now

                  We get: Bio III, Dia III, Diaga II, Diaga III

                  I certainly hope I'm wrong


                  • #10
                    Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                    I just don't see RDM getting really superawesome spells out of this. They have made it clear, and rightly so, that in the hands of someone who has learned the job it is very powerful the way it is.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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                    • #11
                      Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                      Originally posted by Mhurron
                      I just don't see RDM getting really superawesome spells out of this. They have made it clear, and rightly so, that in the hands of someone who has learned the job it is very powerful the way it is.
                      I know what you're saying, and the job is pretty fun and surely we're one of the few totally non-broken jobs when it comes to invites, but....still...

                      Don't you want new cool stuff?

                      Anything they've added to RDM since I've been playing since NA release has been a nerf or some kind of crappy JSE piece.

                      It's not like adding cool stuff will badly affect the game considering we're already near the top of the list for invites anyway.

                      I'm all for fixing broken jobs, but I think that kind of stuff should be done pre-75. These new merit abilities should just be really cool and fun and make you glad you made it to 75. I swear if they do what they normally do for rdm and make it something really stupid I will be upset.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                        Curse, Break (even if it was the RDM version of Stun and not the way mobs used it) and Tier II Refresh sound reasonable.

                        1 and a half more days till we find out.
                        The Tao of Ren
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                        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                        Originally posted by Kaeko
                        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                        • #13
                          Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                          Hm... I'm feeling "Reflect"

                          just a personal opinion

                          perhaps it will be spells we're not even thinking of.

                          a high/stronger Aspir/drain would be mega tight

                          maybe enhanced melee speed/atk


                          • #14
                            Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                            Hm... I'm feeling "Reflect"

                            just a personal opinion

                            perhaps it will be spells we're not even thinking of.

                            a high/stronger Aspir/drain would be mega tight

                            maybe enhanced melee speed/atk
                            I hope it's not reflect because there are few situations where I'd be cast against where I'd want it casted back (although in Ballista it would be cool, but like, against Mysticmaker it would be way too overpowering).

                            Aspir and drain aren't rdm spells, but drks/blms might get them.

                            I like the idea of "Fast Swing" or something (with a better name hopefully) to go along with our fast cast, although I'd probably prefer just being able to merit fast cast.


                            • #15
                              Re: New Merit abilities for RDM. Let's speculate!

                              I'd personally like to see a RDM-specific sword weaponskill, since I feel we got gyped in the sword category(don't even mention Dagger skills to me).

                              But on merits, I'd love to see Fast Cast get merit-ability, but doubt it since it's already insanely fast(but I'd still like to see it). As far as spells, I can't begin to speculate asto what we would get to add to our eliteness. The only thing I can think of is perhaps a Refresh 2, or Light/Dark enpells, or such that cause status effects.
                              On second thought, perhaps I speculated just fine.

