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E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

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  • E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

    I've been reading alot about Selene Bow and many RNG in my server is carrying one. I am planning a run for the bow, but not sure what it compares to E.Bow. I owned an E. Bow myself and my RNG is at 62.

    Any experience or info on S. Bow is appreciated.

    Also, when do you normally start DMGing pass 1K? It seems my peak has always been in the 800s. and my gear is above average... I tried combinations of food (Squid Sushi & Subs or Sisakabobi) and ring (Scorp+1 and Some +4STR Ring) switch to see my DMG output but only 100DMG difference.

    Is there a certain Level where I will pass that 800PEAK? Cause I am feeling pretty weak to see a SAM/THF or BLU/THF or DRK/THF going 1K on me with SATA... lol

    Thanks for the info.

    BTW I am a returned RNG (75)(I quit before the RNG updates. but I do understand about the range choice) Thanks again

    Chanse << Main PC
    WAR 35 | MNK 9 | WHM 0 | BLM 0 | RDM 0 | THF 24 | PAL 0 | DRK 0 | BST 10 | SMN 0 | BRD 0 | RNG 62 | SAM 0 | NIN 64 | BLU 42

    "I have returned home... "

  • #2
    Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

    I cant say I've seen a sam, drk or blu let go of a 1k+ ws before they get their lv.3 ws, unless theyre fighting something that is zerked or takes double damage....

    if you want to push rng to its dmg potential, you will need to sub /war for sure. subbing /nin does nothing for dmg. Eating meat is a great way to boost your dmg too just as long as you can not have your acc dip too much. You might want to think of getting a fire staff, archers jupon, amemet+1 and any str/r.atk get you can get. Again, mind your accuracy or you'll be tp'ing very slowly and wasting a lot of time on missed sidewinders. You need to also understand that a lot of PT's tend to over hunt a lot nowadays and this will affect your output.

    I have an s-bow and its pretty comparable to e-bow from what i've experienced, I actually tend to like it more because of the acc+ it gets during full moon, which sometimes lands on days i do sky/sea runs. never hurts to have a bit more acc on high lvl mobs.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #3
      Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

      interesting... ya since I got back I see alot of over hunts lately. IT++++ and stuff (over exaggerating... =P

      I was with a SAM and BLU yesterday and the BLU busted a Burst Affi, Chain Affin +SATA with Death Scissors and landed a 1.2K (but I didn't check them mob...).

      Anyways. I'm looking forward in getting the S. Bow and trying it out. I'll try some combination of gears and food. Maybe I'm missing something...

      At the moment here are my gear setup...

      Hawkers +1 (waiting for Fransisca)
      Trailer Kukri
      E.Bow (Scorp Arrow, Demon Arrow)
      AF HAT
      P. Charm
      Vision Earrings
      Drone Earrings
      Scorp Rings +1 X 2 (sometimes I switch to +4 STR Rings)
      AF Body
      Amemet +1
      Jaridah Nails
      Jaridah Bazubands (looking for Deadeye Gloves... and
      Jaridah Salvars

      Thanks for the feedback.
      Chanse << Main PC
      WAR 35 | MNK 9 | WHM 0 | BLM 0 | RDM 0 | THF 24 | PAL 0 | DRK 0 | BST 10 | SMN 0 | BRD 0 | RNG 62 | SAM 0 | NIN 64 | BLU 42

      "I have returned home... "


      • #4
        Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

        Sbow and Ebow are very close in term of damage/shot

        I remembered I did nyzul assault with friends with 8 archery merit, ebow, scout's socks, and scout's belt. he did 155 damage/shot on xolotl kind of mob, while my obow + holy bolt only did 100+33 damage. (D86 vs D95)

        But remember, we have about 29-30 ratk difference just from merit and gear. He's hume, I'm Mithra.

        1 best gear doesn't always significantly give better result than the 2nd best one

        As far as your "low dmg" goes. try forcing your mage to keep dia II on all the time. eat attack food (probably not applicable at your level though), and have a bard to do 2x minuet. Acid bolt is nice too if you can land it easily

        My FFXI Doc


        • #5
          Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

          Which one is harder to get. Thats probably the one everyone's going to say you need.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

            I haven't finished my BC60, so I can't tell how good is the drop rate from brothers d'aurphe.

            Eastern Shadow have nasty repop hour (18-32 hours from report). I myself only experience 18-19 hour and 23-24 hour repop. someone else told me 32 hours repop time.

            Sbow you can only camp it weekly, if there's competition, it might dangerous since there's DC raptor around the pop area. if you're alone there, white coney is easy to solo. and there's no nasty repop time

            My FFXI Doc


            • #7
              Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

              Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
              Which one is harder to get. Thats probably the one everyone's going to say you need.
              White Coney and Black Coney are both force spawned by trading a San d'Orian Carrot when you see the rabbit footprints on their corresponding Moon Phases.

              White Coney- Full Moon
              Black Coney- New Moon

              Stupid rabbit... damn I hate that stupid rabbit.

              Back when I leveled Ranger in Caitsith, we went for the Selene's Bow, and we fought the White Coney....


              Stupid rabbit and his stupid Wild Carrot. ; ;

              - Around 8500HP
              - Special Attacks: Wild Carrot (TP-based special attack that cures the NM for over 1000HP), goes off at 300% TP for most of the fight but goes off faster at 100% TP when the NM has 20% or less health.


              • #8
                Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                i got both! S bow is harder to get but E.bow is better overall.

                Tip on the Nm: Rng + Sleep bolts = god
                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                • #9
                  Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                  white coney is definitely the more annoying of the 2.
                  black coney is a lot easier to kill and solo.

                  get a couple melee pals to zerg the white coney and you'll be ok.

                  if you dont have /war leveled already, i suggest doing that. you'll really see a large jump in ur ws and regular shots.

                  if you're afraid of accuracy on /war, popping sole/squid should be good enough and put on that fire staff!!
                  Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                  ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                  • #10
                    Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                    Yeah, calculating it out the Selene Bow and E. Bow are very close to the same in damage. They both are pretty equal in some cases and in other cases the E. Bow will be better and yet again in other cases the Selene Bow is better. It's kind of cyclical on which is better at what time.

                    As for breaking 1k if you are a RNG/NIN I'm not very sure when that's possible or if it is. So far I've never seen a RNG/NIN break 1k, I used to party with RNG/NINs all the way up to lv. 65 after that haven't partied to much with a RNG/NIN to see.

                    I can tell you that with RNG/WAR I was breaking 1k by early 50s, in the 60s I was getting close to breaking 2k on a few ITs closer at breaking 2k with VTs. I would imagine that a RNG/NIN could break 1k pretty easy with a BRD buffing his attacks, or help with like "War Cry" and even defense down stuff should help with that too.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • #11
                      Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                      If I eat meat in mire its pretty doable on /nin but you're barely pushing it. with /war I'm hitting 1.5+ consistently in mire. my rng is no where near finished with merits and my gear is only decent.

                      At other camps like north thickets, it tends to get more tricky since mamool ja have pretty good evasion so I'll unwillingly pop sushi to save myself from embarassing sidewinder misses.

                      In trolls camp, I can break 1k on some trolls even when eating sushi but these guys dont slack on defense usually.
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #12
                        Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                        Originally posted by Macht View Post
                        As for breaking 1k if you are a RNG/NIN I'm not very sure when that's possible or if it is. So far I've never seen a RNG/NIN break 1k, I used to party with RNG/NINs all the way up to lv. 65 after that haven't partied to much with a RNG/NIN to see.
                        Sorry to hijack the thread, but I want to try /war but I'm afraid I'll cause problems in a TP burn and I'll end up dying or causing myself to be an MP sink. I'm also worried about pulling. Are there really more rng choosing /war after lvl 65? I'm lvl 63 at the moment and I'd really like to try but it's making me kinda anxious :T
                        My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                        Which FF Character Are You?
                        Originally posted by Balfree
                        Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                        • #13
                          Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                          dont worry too much about the pulls. it's not that bad to be honest.

                          and with regards to pulling hate and dying... try to pace your TP as best you can. You know how the flow of your party is going and really tbh, letting off 2 sidewinders usually is a bit over kill for 1 mob, when you have 1-2 other melee letting their ws go once a fight too.

                          I usually try to pace my tp so I get the kill shot on each mob or close to it at least. If you happen to miss letting off your ws that round, its not really a big deal if you just hold on to 300 tp for 1 mob...
                          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                          • #14
                            Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                            Originally posted by nanatsu View Post
                            Sorry to hijack the thread, but I want to try /war but I'm afraid I'll cause problems in a TP burn and I'll end up dying or causing myself to be an MP sink. I'm also worried about pulling. Are there really more rng choosing /war after lvl 65? I'm lvl 63 at the moment and I'd really like to try but it's making me kinda anxious :T
                            Yeah, really with RNG/WAR you don't need to burn so much TP. For example on ITs RNG/WAR with a DRK/THF can deal some massive damage. It's pretty intresting how much damage Transfixtion can do to many of the mobs. With a DRK starting off and RNG/WAR ending it you usually take out like 3/4s of the enemies HP from those two and the Skillchain.

                            More or less a RNG/WAR in a TP burn will basically be a damage accelerator, time your attacks to intentionally cause a skillchain at the right time and you'll down the enemies much faster. It's perfect for a RNG to do this too since a huge number of WSs can be chained with RNGs WS, especially sidewinder. So just let loose a shot when the mob is about half way and someone has done a WS, try to intentionally get a skillchain and that mob will probably die from that alone.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              Re: E.Bow Vs Selene Bow

                              I've heard of my friends getting as high as 3000 damage slug shots in merit parties on /WAR (flying mobs only)

                              Is this plausible or is someone yanking my chain? I'm positive that's enough damage to easily 1-shot most mobs at around 1/3 HP (maybe more?)

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

