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Pup Subs?

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  • Pup Subs?

    Hey Guys.

    Tryin to build up some info for a lil guide I'm making for my friend whos coming to FFXI Soon ^.^

    Maybe even makin a website with the info(Of course credit will be given to FFXIONLINE & Members who help)


    Wonder what subs does PuppetMaster need?

    I have seen many diffrent ones /nin /mnk /rdm /blm /cor /brd /war

    So what are the ones needed?

    P.S Forget to mention hehe please don't send the link to Pup guide I'm looking from many diffrent ideas on subs and your personal prefrences and situations!

    Ty ^^

    I been asking people on server and they just seem to wanna defend there subs and not explore the ideas of others which fine to them they should have there opinions! But wonderin what ppl on here think.

    Afew comments I have had is "Pup can do from 1-75 with /whm" and also same comment for /mnk

    Now I won't disagree cause I don't even have pup(I'm a Mage Girl) but surely the need more then just a single sub? especialy /whm would they not need a DD supporting sub?

    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007

  • #2
    Re: Pup Subs?

    I would say that you left out a new and great sub choice, Dancer! The possibilities are extraordinary, expanding PUP's supporting role considerably.

    /DNC provides

    Level Sambas
    05 Drain Samba: Endrainga
    25 Aspir Samba: Enaspirga
    35 Drain Samba II: Endrainga II
    Level Waltzes
    15 Curing Waltz: Mini-Cure II or Mega-Cure I
    25 Divine Waltz: Curaga
    30 Curing Waltz II: Cure III
    35 Healing Waltz: Mini-Erase

    Level Jigs
    25 Spectral Jig: Sneak/Invisible Package

    Level Steps
    20 Quickstep: -Eva
    30 Box Step: -Def

    Level Flourishes I
    20 Animated Flourish: Provoke
    30 Desperate Flourish: Gravity

    All of the abilities are based on Melee Accuracy and use TP instead of MP! Who better than a PUP to provide excellent amounts of TP that aren't really more well-spent on Weaponskills? Let the maton toss the WS, use your TP for support! It's a godly (theoretical) sub for PUP, IMO, and I'm sure that no one will complain if it's the only one you use.


    • #3
      Re: Pup Subs?

      Mind if I use that for the Guide?

      So what are your thoughts about people setting pup with a select sub

      Surely it go from 1-75 they need to have more then one of the subs above yet a large amount of people told me they only had one of the above subs and stuck with it.

      alot less ppl said they lvl'd afew subs for it

      Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
      Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


      • #4
        Re: Pup Subs?

        Originally posted by Galaxia View Post
        Mind if I use that for the Guide?
        I don't think that PUP/DNC has been tested extensively enough for it to be a definitive "Yes", but one has to admit that it looks good on paper. I don't care where you quote me as long as it's not a misquote and that theoretical/hypothetical/hyperbolic information be cited as such.

        Originally posted by Galaxia View Post
        So what are your thoughts about people setting pup with a select sub

        Surely it go from 1-75 they need to have more then one of the subs above yet a large amount of people told me they only had one of the above subs and stuck with it.

        alot less ppl said they lvl'd afew subs for it

        PUP/BLM I think is useless with the exception of Warp.

        PUP/WAR is a good favorite. Offensive abilities add some power to combo and Provoke gives you a way to protect your maton and squishier folks even though you'll probably not want too much attention. Berserk, Warcry, Double Attack, and a healthy Attack bonus all make this a favorite for the pure DD PUP.

        PUP/WHM is like BST/WHM in that, for soloing, there's really no better choice.

        PUP/MNK is ok for levelling up as it provides access to Martial Arts techniques earlier than natural PUP get them, but doesn't do much more in the DD department. I'm inclined to favor /WAR especially at 75.


        • #5
          Re: Pup Subs?

          I have noticed pup/whm keeps creeping up in pt's aswell as /rdm somtimes too.

          Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
          Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


          • #6
            Re: Pup Subs?

            It about as good as a BRD/WHM in terms of backup healing. Nothing to shout home about and dismal MP especially considering most PUP favor melee garb to +MP.

            PUP/RDM is entirely pointless. You lose MP, -ga Cures, -na, and Erase for what? Gravity that won't stick, Phalanx on a character that probably won't take hate, and Dispel.


            • #7
              Re: Pup Subs?

              Well, from level 1-24 subbing MNK is nice for the Matial Arts trait. It's the subjob that I've been using so far. Although for soloing, WAR sub might seem more favorable since it offers hate management. DNC has caught my attention recently as a possible sub for PUP. It grants provoking ability as well as other abilities like Drain Samba and Curing Waltz. If provoke is the only reason you would sub WAR then you might as well go with DNC instead.


              • #8
                Re: Pup Subs?

                PUP/DNC seems logical.

                PUP/mage does not work so well because lack of magical skill and you cannot /heal for MP while the maton kicking the mob at the same time.

                I am trying to level up DNC as a sub for PUP at this moment. While leveling DNC up to level 9, I used DNC/PUP. Although Drain Samba does NOT affect the maton, it cuts down a lot of down time while solo (from level 1 ~ 9 my DNC/PUP had no downtime at all).

                I believe the potential of PUP/DNC is very high in both solo and exp. party.

                The only issue with PUP/DNC is gear selection and combat skill for PUP. Well, but this alos apply for PUP/any-sub in general.
                Last edited by Celeal; 11-30-2007, 09:35 PM.
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

