Hello all!
After 3 years I'm finally returning to FFXI! Crazy, crazy excitement due to the fact that I have grown quite weary of the EasyMode MMO that is World of Warcraft where gameplay seems to be how fast one can set their nose on "h" and roll their face across the keyboard. FFXI was my first MMORPG and I can't wait to re-experience everything from the amazing story to the incredibly more mature community. Trust me, one more day of "lUlz ur bad, K? i kan haz ur gold kthxbai?" would have made me commit suicide with a rusty ladel.
Back in the day, I mained a 58 RDM/BLM and I loved the job after hopping back and forth between the different choices. Now the plan is to return as WHM to begin with and then snag the Bard class at 30. I've always played a healer or support class (namely because I've tried my hand at DD and Tanking and I felt like a fish out of water) and I'm very excited to return to what I know best.
Also, I plan on more than likely returning to the Asura server ( to play with my sister, who is unfortunately unable to provide any real advice due to the fact she's super-casual)
How is their economy? Is there anyone who is able to offer a slot in an LS to an easy-going friendly American such as myself?
Apart from this wall of text, I was wondering the following, and please, forgive my noobishness.
1.) From what I've researched on Level-Synch, it appears it's useful in the sense that you can party with anyone. From what I understand you could be a 70 and synch with a 20 and still be able to level with them and earn the same XP a normal 20 would earn?
2.) Has this helped partying? One thing I'm not looking foward to is the long waits for invites/Looking for more members.
3.) I'm NOT one of the MMO'ers who wants to solo-up to the level cap. Defeats the purpose of the MMO in my opinion, but are there options to where you could gain light XP while waiting?
4.) Back when I played, the normal gameplan for a noob was to hit 10, earn enough money to make sure you have all your spells and level-appropriate equipment, and then head out to Vulkurm all prepared for the 10-20 grind. I've been reading on how people are now soloing till 20. Are the just incredibly hardcore and don't mind resting forever between fights or was there something implemented?
Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this massive block of nooboscity. And thanks soooo much for anyone who replies with and advice or recommendations!!!
My apologies again for such a long thread, but I hate going into something wihtout gathering information from what seems to be a very well-informed and mature community
After 3 years I'm finally returning to FFXI! Crazy, crazy excitement due to the fact that I have grown quite weary of the EasyMode MMO that is World of Warcraft where gameplay seems to be how fast one can set their nose on "h" and roll their face across the keyboard. FFXI was my first MMORPG and I can't wait to re-experience everything from the amazing story to the incredibly more mature community. Trust me, one more day of "lUlz ur bad, K? i kan haz ur gold kthxbai?" would have made me commit suicide with a rusty ladel.
Back in the day, I mained a 58 RDM/BLM and I loved the job after hopping back and forth between the different choices. Now the plan is to return as WHM to begin with and then snag the Bard class at 30. I've always played a healer or support class (namely because I've tried my hand at DD and Tanking and I felt like a fish out of water) and I'm very excited to return to what I know best.
Also, I plan on more than likely returning to the Asura server ( to play with my sister, who is unfortunately unable to provide any real advice due to the fact she's super-casual)
How is their economy? Is there anyone who is able to offer a slot in an LS to an easy-going friendly American such as myself?

Apart from this wall of text, I was wondering the following, and please, forgive my noobishness.
1.) From what I've researched on Level-Synch, it appears it's useful in the sense that you can party with anyone. From what I understand you could be a 70 and synch with a 20 and still be able to level with them and earn the same XP a normal 20 would earn?
2.) Has this helped partying? One thing I'm not looking foward to is the long waits for invites/Looking for more members.
3.) I'm NOT one of the MMO'ers who wants to solo-up to the level cap. Defeats the purpose of the MMO in my opinion, but are there options to where you could gain light XP while waiting?
4.) Back when I played, the normal gameplan for a noob was to hit 10, earn enough money to make sure you have all your spells and level-appropriate equipment, and then head out to Vulkurm all prepared for the 10-20 grind. I've been reading on how people are now soloing till 20. Are the just incredibly hardcore and don't mind resting forever between fights or was there something implemented?
Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this massive block of nooboscity. And thanks soooo much for anyone who replies with and advice or recommendations!!!
My apologies again for such a long thread, but I hate going into something wihtout gathering information from what seems to be a very well-informed and mature community
