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Any easier to play alone?

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  • Any easier to play alone?

    One of my (and everyone else's) qualms about FFXI is the requirement of having a party or alliance to do ANYTHING. The reason I quit was because I was waiting upwards of 8 hours for a party as a paladin. I'm thinking about coming back to see the new expansion, but... is there ANY possibility at all of having soloability outside of the BST class?

    I know they tried with the sidekick thing but that just didn't cut it.

  • #2
    Re: Any easier to play alone?

    > . > it's gotten quite a bit easier to solo on certain classes, but honestly the point of the game is to do things together.

    Granted, it's infuriating at times but I'm betting you've been gone for the most recent PLD updates. PLD is still very much in demand for EXP parties and SE is slowly closing the performance gap between NIN and PLD.

    With the new sanction update, we now get a defense and evasion bonus when fighting Even Match or lower mobs with Sanction on in a conquest region. There's also a slight boost to EXP when fighting EP or DC mobs, and a small party XP boost when fighting EM or higher in a party of 2-5 (the bonus is highest with 2 people and fighting a higher level mob. 2 ppl fighting an IT will get +75% I think)



    • #3
      Re: Any easier to play alone?

      Yeah. I know that the purpose of the game is to work together. I mean, it wouldn't make a ton of sense for it to be like WoW where you can just solo to the top... but being unable to do a single thing without a full group of 6 is a little ridiculous as well. Especially considering that the number of players dwindles every day.

      I'm glad to see the the economy is settling and that classes are getting boosts, but I think that an even match should be just that. An even match.


      • #4
        Re: Any easier to play alone?

        Originally posted by Card View Post
        Yeah. I know that the purpose of the game is to work together. I mean, it wouldn't make a ton of sense for it to be like WoW where you can just solo to the top... but being unable to do a single thing without a full group of 6 is a little ridiculous as well. Especially considering that the number of players dwindles every day.
        You don't need a full group of six do get anything done in this game. It's just this game was made with a party system. A party is allowed to have six members, so that's how many people usually have. But you can easily do things with just two or three people. It might be slower, but getting into a full party is not your only option.


        • #5
          Re: Any easier to play alone?

          Another question:

          I can find all the discs for all my expansions except for Treasures. I have the code, however. Is there a place online to download the files?


          • #6
            Re: Any easier to play alone?

            Why do people still think BST is the one and only solo class of the game?

            PLD, RDM, BLU, BLM, PUP, THF, DRG, WHM and NIN can also solo to a fairly good extent, it just requires time, patience and a willingness to level the subjobs that will give you the ability to solo.

            That's the difference between FFXI and WoW in terms of soloing - FFXI doesn't hand you soloability, you have to earn it.


            • #7
              Re: Any easier to play alone?

              BST isn't the only, I think it's just that it's the best at it.


              • #8
                Re: Any easier to play alone?

                Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                BST isn't the only, I think it's just that it's the best at it.
                Well, I won't deny we're probably the only job that can be sent to the pits of hell itself and solo our way out of it. Definitely don't see the mighty solo RDM out in Riverne mixing it up with Hippogryphs, though I have seen some stupid ones DoT the Carmine Dobsonflies to death via the DoT/Nuke/Die/Reraise method, but that's more of a means of leveling down.


                • #9
                  Re: Any easier to play alone?

                  I find the game has gotten a little easier to solo, or even group up in smaller groups of friends, but I wouldn't say it's very effective or quick at it. You'll certainly be spending a chunk of time looking for a party.

                  However, I find it isn't too hard to solo while seeking. Most cases you can go find a few easy prey to even match mobs to knock around while seeking and still be making some forward progress in your job. At the same time you'll be collecting beastman seals and some light farming.

                  Much of the other content does require a group to do as well. From avatar battles to BCNM and KSNMs. Then of course endgame is focused on group activities.

                  As for soloing I suggest looking up the BLM solo guide on wiki. Many melee can profit from those camps as well, since BST pets are easy to kill, yield great exp, and you can chain them while solo. But do keep in mind there are not many camps available for BST pets, so they are often taken.

                  As for finding a place to download the latest expansion, there is no official place to download it, and I would not recommend finding a torrent for it. Often they'll have keyloggers or other harmful things in them. Depending on your level, you might want to wait till the new expansion comes out and you could just purchase the whole set again with the new expansion already included. You won't have much reason to go to Aht Urghan before level 55, unless you want to start on assaults, the storyline, or unlock the jobs from that expansion.


                  • #10
                    Re: Any easier to play alone?

                    Depending on when you quit the game, these things may or may not sound familiar to you:
                    - Sanction (for ToAU area): Can get Auto-Refresh or Auto-Regen, and usually exp bonus
                    - Signet (Conquest area):
                    - - No TP loss while resting, better hHP.
                    - - When not in full party: Exp bonus
                    - - When facing Even Match or weaker monster: evasion and defense bonuses
                    - Adventuring Fellow (NPC): Can be set to tank or healer or attacker; up to Lv.65.
                    - Use /PUP for support job, setup Soulsoother/Stormwaker Automaton, for a little personal cure bot.
                    - SAM: Seigen + Third Eye for possibility of multiple anticipate/counter.
                    - DRK: Drain II and Dread Spikes makes solo exp quite a bit easier.

                    Those all help soloing for experience points, and some even enable soloing some quests not easily doable before. For missions fights, however, should still have full party/alliance for them, especially the level capped ones.
                    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                    leaving no trace in the water.

                    - Mugaku


                    • #11
                      Re: Any easier to play alone?

                      Thank you very much, IfritnoItazura. I haven't played since about September of last year, and even then it was only for about a week. I haven't played seriously in probably 2 years.

                      I was pumped when PLD got Auto-Refresh, but it just wasn't enough.
                      It sounds like EXP grinding won't be nearly as much of a chore anymore. If nothing else, I can skill up GSWDs on EPs until I get a group and it still be worth my while.

                      "No TP loss while resting, better hHP." Finally.


                      • #12
                        Re: Any easier to play alone?

                        Check here for the recent changes to PLD (You'll love 'em!)


                        Also, Ifrit forgot to mention that you can also get a Food bonus from Sanction that more or less doubles the duration of any food you eat. It's freaking sweet. The Auto Regen is worthless as it's only 1/tic. Generally speaking, a PLD should always take the Refresh unless you're tight on cash and need to stretch out those meals. Though by the same token you could be spending ISP for coins to sell so... yah.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Any easier to play alone?

                          any body know were to get a good game pad for FFXI for the pc ?
                          i dont know were to buy them and what 1s that will work


                          • #14
                            Re: Any easier to play alone?

                            Originally posted by siwarz View Post
                            any body know were to get a good game pad for FFXI for the pc ?
                            i dont know were to buy them and what 1s that will work
                            Just get an XBox 360 pad for PC! Prolly the best option...


                            • #15
                              Re: Any easier to play alone?

                              ok ty, i will look on some internet sites now =)

