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Easy Gil at lvl 30

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  • Easy Gil at lvl 30

    NMs to camp and easily taken down.

    Ghelsba Outpost
    Orcish Barricader>>>Drops Lantern Shield goes for 50K+ on fairy usually 2-4 in stock from what i remember. spwans every hour

    Orcish Stonelauncher>>>Drops Hakenbuechse sells for 20K spawns every 20-40 mins
    Orcish Wallbreacher>>Drops Strike Baghnakhs sells for around 10k 1 hour spwan time.

    Also these NMS hardly camped

    HooMjuu the Torrent>>>Drops Monster Signa camped last nite no one came to the camp. Lottery pop from all the Yags in the area. From what I've found out theres no PH to pop it. spawn time usually 1-3 hours.

    Good camps hardly camped by GSers

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

    Hoo Mjuu the Torrent...hardly ever camped by gilsellers? Speak for yourself. If it's not gilsellers it's entire linkshells gathering together to take the spawn away from poor low levels (or even poor high levels, for that matter).

    Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
    Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
    Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

    My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

    Susan>> Babies are just like people.
    Susan>> Just smaller.
    [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
    [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
    Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
    [GM]Dave>> ...
    [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


    • #3
      Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

      Theres always 1 or 2 camping the Barricader in my server.
      Theres always other players camping the monster signa guy.
      The drop rate for Hakenbeuse is crappy.

      You'll make more money farming bee chips and seeds.


      • #4
        Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

        I got two strike baghnakhs and a lantern shield when I was in Ghelsba with my blu trying to learn Blastbomb. I did see someone else there once, but it seems to be pretty decent overall.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

          Malevolent, when were you in Giddeus? I was running around there for about 20-30 mins last night doing a quest I should have done ages ago and saw 7 other people there, all /anon.
          Would be cool if I could ever find it uncamped, seeing how its one of the few things you can kill with no trouble that has a 1m+ drop. (Atleast it was over a million a cpl weeks ago, no idea what it is now.)
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

            I think I have gotten maybe 2 shields and one pair of strikes fron those stupid warmachines. They were my first nms to camp years ago.

            Golden Bat- Secret Beach in the dunes, I always camped next to gustav tunnel entrance. I used to kill this with my level 30 war/thf back when I had sword and shield.
            Thanks Kazuki.
            Dragoon Equipment


            • #7
              Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

              Any more options for easy gil?


              • #8
                Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                Iv gotten into NM hunting recently, just for fun.

                So far i have gotten Crypt Ghost, 1/2.

                Waited 5 hrs for Goblin pop.

                I shall have to try these as I am needing more and more money for each spell as I level up /sigh


                • #9
                  Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                  Originally posted by hongman View Post
                  Iv gotten into NM hunting recently, just for fun.

                  So far i have gotten Crypt Ghost, 1/2.

                  Waited 5 hrs for Goblin pop.

                  I shall have to try these as I am needing more and more money for each spell as I level up /sigh
                  You have luck like mine hongman

                  Tried spook, unclothed gillseller camping their. same person was there for 4 consectutive days when i checked (RL days not game days)

                  went to goblin gruel, I thoght result it was there.... No drop (even with lvl 15 theif subbed for treasure hunter)

                  tried Crypt ghost got lucky twice and found it spawned.... No drop though .

                  Tried LL, everytime I go there is a minimum of 4 people on top of the ridge camping it.

                  As for the giddeous Monster signet drop, no chance I have never been to giddeous without seeing a minimum of 2 people camping, its a gillsellers paradise that drop, currently 800k on Garuda.

                  So I try others, panzer percival I am currently at 0/6 with for drops, this isn't camped much though, neckchopper its drop is only worth 40k in jueno at moment.

                  spinny sippie, never seen it pop.

                  Bomb king I'm. 1/2 with and currently debating whetehr to sell ring or use it on sam.

                  Bloodpool Vorax is easy and drops Bloodbeed amulet which goes for 25k in garuda I am 2/2 with this one.

                  Golden bat however I have managed to get 1/2 for though i havn't sold cape as its useful for my character.

                  Best gill money maker I have at moment is gardening with my mule. I have 10 earthen pots with wildgrass seeds (cheaper to buy from whitegate dock for 320gill each rather than 6k for a stack in AH) Use earth crystals and out of 10 pots I normally get about 16-30 Vomp carrots. sell stacks for 22k a stack in AH and singles for 2.3k each. works out minimum of 20k proffit, but yes takes time.

                  plus there is also synthing, there are still some good proffit synths going.

                  also have you tried doing any quests? I did 2 in one last night in bordeux, Curse paper quest and smog quest (from bastok) I was high enough to not get agro on way but when close to corrupted dirt i had to use sneak to avoid agro from quadavs high up. completing quest gives you a Chakram woth 10k, curse paper quest gives you a poison cesti, not worth much but is a brilliant weapon for a monk.
                  Last edited by Jarre; 12-18-2006, 04:00 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                    Yeah I have looked at quests and done a few myself, but always ended up keeping the items for my own use. I fifure Im going to use them sooner or later so I keep them - dont want to risk having to buy them at AH with massive inflation margins. I kept the pair of Martial Slacks for my RDM main.

                    Although the price of stuff seems to be generally going down.

                    I tried camping spipi, not seen it pop either.

                    Synthing yes its good, but im only lvl9 cooking and 0 everything else. I dont honestly know where people find time to raise loads of them at once - i have a hard enough time with just one!

           of those things I have always been meaning to try, but never got round to doing. I have a mule, thinking about a second, so I may well try it for good measure. I keep reading about these secret receipes that produce mega bucks, but secret is secret and I cant find anything decent online. I think it was platinum nuggets or something. Apparently someone leaked the recipe on a forum a while back but i cant find it.

                    I hope eveyday that i stumble upon a money making method that little people have discovered yet :p


                    • #11
                      Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                      if you can afford buying chips from the gob in Sandy and you have some infinity cores i say go to dangrufwadi and do the mysterious machine lil side quest. I've gotten 6 arcane pots so far. thinking about selling them actually...go for around 200-300k in jeuno i think. Minning Zinc Ore and or Yag neckalces and /sit by the NPC for the norg fame quest is always a quick gil maker. I've seen Zinc Ore go from 500gil to 2k gil also necklaces go from 1k-2k...crazy prices...but if youhave the gil and want to fame i guess its easier than farming...theres always a lazy someone who's gonna buy the items instead of farming them...

                      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                      • #12
                        Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                        Hey that norg idea is great!


                        • #13
                          Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                          u can also camp black eared jack at west rounfaure for a rabit can be selled for 1-3 MIL but the drop rate is really a pain (5%) and 2 hrs pop ^^


                          • #14
                            Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                            what i do to meke good gil while exping is that i get saction (ToAU signet) and after finish the PT i buy a lot of imperial silver pieces and bazar them just beside the taru warp npc for like 2.2k then i go to sleep and when i wake up i hv like 80k! ^^ its a very good way to make money if ur exping at ToAU areas


                            • #15
                              Re: Easy Gil at lvl 30

                              Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl View Post
                              u can also camp black eared jack at west rounfaure for a rabit can be selled for 1-3 MIL but the drop rate is really a pain (5%) and 2 hrs pop ^^
                              Jaggedy-Eared-Jack. Helps if you get the name right. And frankly, it is not worth camping - the drop rate is way below 5%, and you could farm up the same money in less time.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi
                              "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

