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That F$#@ing B#@$h

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  • That F$#@ing B#@$h

    As of wednesday October 12th approximately 9P.M. Pacific My three accounts (Kyler 70DRK 55DRG ect... Taruro 45BLM 23RDM Relyk Mule) were accessed by a certain taru female character by the name of Kariri. This Kariri imidiately changed my password so that i was unable to access my account. She then proceeded to take several items from my characters aloting to the sum of over 10 million in gil. After she was done raping my characters of all they were worth she deleted my accounts and collected her money.

    This post was made as my first act of trying to make her name entirely worthless on this server. I am asking you the members of Quetzalcoatl to completely ignore Kariri entirely. if shes going to use my money my time my work to further her 74BLM than lets make it so she never reaches 75. If you have any questions or comments you can send a /tell to my current character "Betrayed" I thank you for your participation in this system of justice.. o and tell your friends.......

  • #2
    Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

    How did she access your account? If you gave her the info then youre an idiot ^^
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

      how do you know who did it if you can't access your account? and once she cleared her inbox there's no way a player could track it.
      Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
      G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
      San Doria Rank 6
      ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

      Which FF Character Are You?

      a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

      #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


      • #4
        Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

        You'll have to give more details if you expect people to take this seriously. How did you find out it was her, how did she access the accounts, what's your affiliation with her (if there is one), etc.. If you did give your account information, then honestly you can blame no one but yourself, not even the person who took it, because they didn't take it, you gave it to them. Also, make sure you're more than 100% certain this Kairiri really did take it before labeling the "crime" to her. If you are certain and you didn't reveal your account information, rather she "broke into" your account through other means, then you need to contact SE and let them know.
        Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
        Current Mission
        â—‹San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
        â—‹Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
        â—‹Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
        "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


        • #5
          Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

          Given that the person that got his account was a female character in game and his seeming to be male I would guess that Kyler was thinking with his wrong head and got himself screwed.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

            I have the same idea as Macht. Not that I mean to sound rude, but you have to admit that seems the most reasonable. I could be wrong, usually always am but that's the best I'm comin' up with.


            There once was fish,

            Whom made a perfect dish

            To a giant fish.

            The giant fish was caught,

            By a Mithra which sought

            To fill her hunger.

            The Mithra was slayed,

            By a monster whom would raid

            The land.

            What have we learned?


            • #7
              Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

              First rule for online(sorry you learn it the hard way)...never trust "females" -- notices I use the term female loosely, becuase you never know if they are female in the first place. Even if they send pics etc., I still don't trust it, sorry.
              Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

              THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


              • #8
                Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                All-in-all, y'know... If people decide to or not to trust this Kariri it's all up to them. This Kariri (if it was she/he who is the culprit and commited the vile act *dramatic poes*) has all right to still gain the same respect she would've had. Maybe she/he just found you as an idiot (sorry 'bout that) so she/he decided to try it on you. So I don't sound like a broken record: Let these people trust her, she hasn't done it to them and if she does well... It's just a game, right? Not to mention that everyone is going to have the wool pulled over their eyes once in a while.


                There once was fish,

                Whom made a perfect dish

                To a giant fish.

                The giant fish was caught,

                By a Mithra which sought

                To fill her hunger.

                The Mithra was slayed,

                By a monster whom would raid

                The land.

                What have we learned?


                • #9
                  Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                  I feel for you, all I can say is never give your password to anyone, it can only do more bad then good.


                  • #10
                    Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                    I still don't understand why people continue to give their passwords out
                    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


                    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
                    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
                    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
                    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
                    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



                    • #11
                      Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                      Which FF Character Are You?
                      Originally posted by Balfree
                      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                      • #12
                        Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                        Lack of healthy trust issues... like people you don't actually know.


                        • #13
                          Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                          Well, one person on Fairy has my password. We're gardening together. He pays for most of the saplings, and I take responsiblility for checking and feeding them. Occasionally I have to go out of town for a while and he checks them while I'm gone. I've known him ingame for well over a year. He is very helpful so I feel he's trustworthy enough to use it right.
                          Occasionally there are legitimate reasons for giving out your password. Though they should definately be few and far between.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #14
                            Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                            Yay for 1 post wonders. Where'd the OP go off to?
                            -Baka Inu!
                            Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                            Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                            Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                            Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                            • #15
                              Re: That F$#@ing B#@$h

                              I'm betting he got mad after not getting any love. I think he was looking more for the "we're so sorry, we'll avoid that person at all costs" stuff. Wasnt expecting the "You're gonna have show proof if you want to defame someone like this".
                              (read: he's gone back to gamefaqs and KI)
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian

