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All I really need to know about life...

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  • Aksannyi
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    Originally posted by SharMarali View Post
    - Choose your battles wisely. Do not expect people to come to your rescue if you don't. Seriously, if you pick a fight with a darter, your friends are going to laugh at you and call you names. You knew there were a dozen of them. Dude, that was just stupid.
    LOLed at this ... too true.

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  • Taskmage
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    Originally posted by SharMarali View Post
    - Some people will always be noobs, no matter how well they appear to be doing and how much they have.
    This reminds me of a line I love from the 2nd GitS movie. "No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse." Probably originally said by someone else but idk who.
    Originally posted by SharMarali View Post
    - When life turns its back on you, whatever you do, for the love of god, don't make it flail.

    ---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

    Wait, wow this is old.

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  • Soulblade
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    This is so going on my LS forum sure to create some aggro.

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  • Alkisti
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    The best rule to live by:

    If it's not fun, then dont do it.

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  • BurningPanther
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    Hilarious, but true.

    Or true, but hilarious. Take your pick.

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  • LilithAngel
    Re: All I really need to know about life...

    Sage advice.

    Too bad people don't use their heads and follow it.

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  • SharMarali
    started a topic All I really need to know about life...

    All I really need to know about life...

    Yes, this was born of utter and complete boredom. If for some reason anyone wants to re-use it elsewhere, feel free to do so, as long as you include this paragraph which credits Sharmarali of Ramuh. Kthxbai

    All I really need to know about life, I learned from FFXI

    - Having the best stuff does not always prove you are the most talented. It just shows that you had the time, determination, and the right group backing you. Or you bought a lot of gil.

    - Some people are just loot whores. They'll step over their best friend to get what they want. If your loot whore buddy steps over you, it doesn't make you a fool. It just means you have to pick your buddies more carefully next time.

    - Friends come and go. The true ones keep you around even when they don't need you to cast haste on them anymore.

    - If you aren't having fun at your job, it's probably time to consider a new one.

    - Always be aware of your surroundings. You'll never get where you're trying to if you keep on getting hit with sleepga and flare merely because you failed to notice the imp in the way and go around it.

    - Do not expect things of people that they cannot deliver. A paladin is not going to be able to main heal for very long, nor can a samurai tank forever. Expect only of people what they can actually give.

    - We all started out the same way. Level 1 with lousy weapons and useless gear. Just because you have advanced does not mean that those who have not yet done so are less important than you.

    - Some people will always be noobs, no matter how well they appear to be doing and how much they have.

    - Choose your battles wisely. Do not expect people to come to your rescue if you don't. Seriously, if you pick a fight with a darter, your friends are going to laugh at you and call you names. You knew there were a dozen of them. Dude, that was just stupid.

    - If something is casting meteor on you, you should probably get the hell away from everyone else and take it like a man.

    - If you don't know what you're doing, follow instructions from those who do. If 30 people are telling you "seismostomp sucks," you don't REALLY need to see it for yourself to understand.

    - Everyone makes mistakes now and then. Still, don't expect people to quickly forget about the time you called for help on Kirin 3 times in one battle, converted while poisoned and died, or threw away a perfectly good byrnie cause you were in a hurry to clean up your inventory.

    - When life turns its back on you, whatever you do, for the love of god, don't make it flail.