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Cooking Advice Needed!

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  • Cooking Advice Needed!

    Hello Everyone

    I have been doing cooking for about 3 days now and have got 30Skill. I have just finished making Pineapple Juice which caps at 30 but I was wondering if there are any profit foods I can make at the moment? Also where can I get a list of all the vendors and what they sell?


    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007

  • #2
    Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

    Originally posted by Galaxia
    I have been doing cooking for about 3 days now and have got 30Skill. I have just finished making Pineapple Juice which caps at 30 but I was wondering if there are any profit foods I can make at the moment?
    Insect Paste is your best money at that level.

    Cooking (29)
    Crystal: Earth
    Ingredients: Millioncorn, Little Worm, Distilled Water
    Result: Insect Ball x12

    Originally posted by Galaxia
    Also where can I get a list of all the vendors and what they sell?
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

      Cool ty

      Haven't decided if I am gonna keep doing cooking been told ingame now that it won't make ne money even at 100 and that I would be best changing to alch or cloth

      Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
      Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


      • #4
        Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

        Imo, cooking is best used for personal use if you're a mage (juice), bst (jugs/pet food), or to support fishing by making bait anf turning your catches into desirable sushi or tacos. There is decent profit to be made in the craft, but if you're not doing one of those things you'll probably get better value for your time from another craft.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

          Any suggestions on what would be a good craft to do?

          Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
          Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


          • #6
            Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

            I'm trying to figure out this question myself for what a good 2nd craft to get to 100 would be. Here's what I'm looking at.

            Goldsmithing - possibly the most expensive craft to level. As a result there is much less competition at high levels. Highest cost = highest return over time?

            Leatherworking - Solid craft that benefits from having lots of recipes with sub-skills, which allows you to distinguish yourself in the market and gives you room to grow laterally when you hit 100. Produces several high-profile, in-demand items. Makes it a lot easier to farm skins. ^,^ On the other hand, there seems to be enough competition on Lakshmi that moving merchanside as I level may be a pain in the butt.

            Alchemy - Alchemy is attractive to me because it contains a good mix of consumable and non-consumable items so I have the flexibility to sell either slower-moving items with higher profit margins or make some silver bullets or something for quick cash. Plethora of useful items of both types. hear this is extremely painful to skillup at high levels.

            Clothcraft - Really awesome high level synths. Unfortunately I'm cursed to break crystals twice as often and skillup half as often with clothcraft than with any other synth skill. >_<
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: Cooking Advice Needed!


              Nice link for npc goods listings. Yes, i hear that cooking is best suited for self cooking needs, though there are a few recipes that sell well on this server. I did it for the insect paste and food/juices to lvl my character (and friends characters). I am also working on alchemy. I am only lvl 17 alchemy but plugging away at it. Next will be cloth. Good luck all. You can find me on Gilgamesh. Always willing to lend a helping hand ^^.

              Double Post Edited:
              Help!! The cooking guild won't trigger to give me the lvl 30 cooking test!! I have made my vegetable gruel and have been leveling on insect paste. I started making pineapple juice, with no skill ups yet. I am lvl 29 cooking. Does anyone know if there is any specific food i have to make to trigger this? Does fame have anything to do with leveling? I am lvl 6 fame in Windy. I just finished the 'Crisis in the making' quest. I thought that with that out of the way the npc would talk to me, but he says nothing. Waaaaah! I want to lvl.

              Any input would be greatly appreciated.

              Seimei ^^
              Last edited by Seimei; 09-01-2005, 01:33 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #8
                Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                Before the food update, I used to make a profit on Mithkabobs. I've heard people making profits from Roasted Mushrooms and Witch Kabobs.

                I can make some HQ BST tools. They sell for a profit, but it's not a big profit. I can also fish up 3 stacks of Crayfish and make Crayfish balls which sell pretty fast and pretty well. I think they sold for 1.4k, and if I buy the crystals, water, and the flour, it costs like 200g a stack. So a good margin of profit, just not a BIG profit. It sucks that you can't HQ juices. If you could do a quantity HQ on some things, it would be real nice. I make juices for Mage and BST leveling. I can make Apple Pies, but it's not profitable.

                I only intend to take Cooking to Lv.60, it's currently at Lv.56. I'd level it and get it over with except I'm updating all my gear. (500k down, 3.2mil more to go. /sigh) I plan to level Clothcrafting, but that's getting expensive too. It used to be almost afforadable.
                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                • #9
                  Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                  I started selling Pineapple Juice in Kazham for 400gil (281 to make) and the Paste you said and they both seem to sell really well

                  Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                  Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


                  • #10
                    Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                    At your level, Task Mage is right. Insect Paste is the best gil over time recipe.

                    For those who don't know if leveling cooking is worth it ... it is.

                    Atleast to 60. Which is where my skill level is cooking currently is. I do plan on using it with fishing, but aside from that, there is the magic of Yag drinks.

                    These bad boys are money money money.

                    In Jeuno on a weekend you can easily make about 100k gil over 2-3 hours. (which isn't bad by any means).

                    Dark Crystals and the bubu grapes cost a bit, but you make a very nice profiet and sell very quickly.

                    What I do is buy bubu grapes from whichever regional vender is selling them (With a Mule, ofcourse) and Yag cherries (Who are sold from the same vendor).

                    With the price of dark crystals, it should end up costing you about 12-13k to make 12 yag drinks. They sell back at between 2500 and 4000 gil a piece. (Note these are prices for carbuncle and could be a little more or less depending on your server, but should still be ball park)

                    If they all sell for 2500, you get 30k gil back, which is 17-18k profiet (and ofcourse, this isn't factoring in failures, but it's also not factoring in if they sell for more than 2500, which they often do).

                    If you're worried about gil over time -- don't. I've had my AH sell completely out in under 5 minutes and the longest I've ever had to wait for them to sell via AH was 10 hours (on a week day, ofcourse). That's not bad at all, in my opinion.

                    When I looked at all the different guilds, I decided this is the first one I should level. Why? Because though it would take a while to make you rich, it's the money you save via food that makes this so attractive. Every job I ever level for the rest of my FFXI carrer will benifiet from me being able to make my own food and drinks.

                    Not to mention the money to be made via fishing. It costs about 1-2k gil to make 12 stacks of insect paste (Which also sell for 500 gil a stack), used in fresh water with the right rod and that can easily turn into 10 stacks of moat carp (Which sell for 4k a stack on my server). That's 40k gil for a 1-2k investment. The Gil over time kind of sucks a bit (Fishing can take a while) But it's great for the money you put in, and at very low levels.

                    Anyway, that's my two cents.


                    • #11
                      Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                      Y'know, I've never thought about selling Yag Drinks for profit. I'll have to look into that. I'm in the need of some gil. And if it goes like that, I can make some decent gil.

                      As far as the paste. Insect and crayfish sells like hot cakes on Lakshmi. Costs almost nothing to make crayfish balls. I yanked the fish out of the river myself, and farmed a bazillion Earth Crystals. Each synth is 12, and they sell for 1.4k. On the full moon I rack up! I put 7 on each mule, and recheck every 20 minutes to put more back up! That's a great gil maker. But it's not gonna fund 1.5~2mil gil Sniper's rings!
                      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                      • #12
                        Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                        TDH -- I've never personally tried making over a few hundred thou with yag drinks ... but if you take a Friday or Saturday and devote it to moving Yag Drinks, I'd wager you could get the money for your rings in probably 2-3 days total (ofcourse, I get too bored doing only that, so I haven't tested it out myself).


                        • #13
                          Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                          Hmm... You intrigue me CapnCrunch. I think Yag Drinks move for 3k each on the server. If I can buy the items from vendors, I could save some gil. I'll have to seriously look into this.
                          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                          RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                          Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                          SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                          • #14
                            Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                            For 60 cooking you should check out pet food zeta and carbonara also.

                            Crayfish paste and yagudo drinks do move very well and have a great profit ratio, but since the unit price is so low you pretty much have to do what tdh said to make real money off of them. Also, when you do that make sure to price in a way that doesn't shut out other crafters. If you lock down the sales people will get frustrated and start undercutting heavily and as my boss says "the wheels fall of the wagon."
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • #15
                              Re: Cooking Advice Needed!

                              I think if I make Zeta biscuits, I'll actually skill up. But do those sell well on Lakshmi? I've only just considered getting the final 3 points to Lv.60 before I officially leave it as it is. I can farm the Coeurl meat myself. THe other items needed aren't too expensive if I recall correctly.
                              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1

