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(|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

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  • (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

    lol i've been mining for like the last week with all workers gear trying to save up for this stupid haubergergon >.< it's driving me insane .... i've only made 200k in the last week i think the people in oldton movopolos are using bots because they are jsut standing next to the point not even mining >.< i dunno everythings just GRRRRR >.< 5.8 mil for something that u absolutely need to level is stupid i think >.<

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  • #2
    Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

    You could always mine somewhere else.


    • #3
      Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

      seeing you're a war/nin... if you're up to some challenge you can try mining in ifrit. Ifrit has no bot for some obvious reason.

      Anyway, don't go crazy over hauby too much. It took me looooooooong after I hit 75 that I finally found my way to make money and was able to support myself with a hauby. If War was my first job I would stick to other armors myself.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

        Originally posted by Jei
        Anyway, don't go crazy over hauby too much. It took me looooooooong after I hit 75 that I finally found my way to make money and was able to support myself with a hauby. If War was my first job I would stick to other armors myself.

        while i do understand why u want hauby so badly, just remember this;

        players' skills >>>>>>>>>>> equipmnts


        • #5
          Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

          You could always try camping some NMs and doing quests with expensive rewards. In the last couple weeks I've made about 2.5 million gil


          • #6
            Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

            ifrits cauldren hmmmmmmm i could try ..... i solo'd bcnm 50 the other day ... made 300k wasn't really worth it if u ask me but thanx for ur oppinions really helped :-D

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            • #7
              Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

              If you really want to go for it, Haubergeon will give you a noticable difference in performance. However, dont burn yourself out over it, it's not absolutely required in order for you to lv. I, myself, didnt have SH or specs for my thf till 8 months or so after I hit 75, and on top of that im an elf thf, yet people always complemented me on my performance because i did my job.
              Calin - Ragnarok


              • #8
                Re: (|Haubergergon Madness!!!|)

                I camped Mee Deggi and got his 4.3 million kote thats how i got my haub lol, gonna try it again i need Woodman's rings
                In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                Yeah, It’s true.
                It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                [I love you, Rebecca :D!]

