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Post 2-hander adjustment makes WAR/BLU possible?

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  • #46
    Re: Post 2-hander adjustment makes WAR/BLU possible?

    I understand that on paper it seems really good, and ingame it could be a whole different story, but it is something I cnt wait to try out. That and NIN and PLD have never been my style and tanking is something I truly love to do.
    Granted I may have to adjust my prioriteies a bit if this combo just fails compltely (I think i could deal being a PLD more so than a NIN)
    Your comparisons seem to descibe it a bit more accurate (from what I understand so far) than Celeal did, but that seemed to be more of a worst case scenario all the time as a WR/BLU (when compared to PLD and NIN)
    Yours (especialy about the road thing and ninja) seems far more accurate.

    I know this wont be the easiest thing to do (WAR/MNK wasnt comletely easy especially with certain groups) but its something I am willing to give a shot and see how well it really works.
    Luckily (for the most part) I will have a semi-static group to level with so I can work with people I know and they will allow testing to be done to see how things really work (as compared to most PuGs who wont ever step outside the box regardless of what others say) That and having a full time dedicated (and skilled) healer at all times is a big plus for this to work.
    I know back in the day before I duo-boxed at all and was leveling WAR most healers hated healing (as if it wsnt there job or something) wich I feel that NIN is partly to blame for this as now we ave (had) a bunch of healers who were babied thier whole career as a healer due to NINs (and to some extent PLDs) and never knew what its like to heal a tank.
    I've come from many other MMos and tanks and healers have always been my favorite, and the typical setup was someone to take hits, and someone to heal them back up. Yes I know FFXI is alot different than alot of MMOs out there, but the basics are still the same.

    As a side note my semi-static will most likley be WAR/BLU (myself) WHM/(BLM or SCH) also myself, a DRK/? and a BLM/? these 4 will be grouped up pretty much all the times with only a need for 2 additional members to have a full PT or just do the smaller group thing.
    This may scew my resaults a bit as compared to a PuG, but its something I've talked with them about and they are more than willing to give this a shot. (once we can anyways)


    • #47
      Re: Post 2-hander adjustment makes WAR/BLU possible?

      If possible at all, I'd suggest having one or more of the static member act a backup tank. (DRK can somewhat fill that role, but not optimal. )

      Reading an ancient guide from JP player wanting to teach NA players, I gathered that blood tanking back in the WAR tank era wasn't done by a single person in party--his writing implied at least some part-time tanks (and probably more than one healer). That strategy would make a good deal of sense, since it'd allow Regen series of spells to work without the urgency to cure dump all the time, and make the use of Curaga efficient (if a bit dangerous).

      * * *

      I'm glad someone is willing to try out WAR/BLU tank with such enthusiasm. ^_^ Really looking forward to your future reports.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #48
        Re: Post 2-hander adjustment makes WAR/BLU possible?

        I hope that I can actually try this out in reletively short notice. I'll be 'moving' soon and the internet at this next place 'should be better (well it cant worse than what i have now anyways)

        The members for the static PT are still up in the air for my friends (i've pretty much decided for myself) and its possible to have one of them take a backup tank role without too much issue.

        I'm a big fan of stepping outside the box, and with a static with friends we'll all be able to try out non-traditional (ie non-cookie cutter) builds to see what things we can do and push ourselves to the limits, but most of all have fun doing so. If we stumble across odd builds that work well all the better, but being able to at least try them in a real party setting as compared to no one allowing people to test and try things is a definate plus for a static.

        I agree with the refresh and the multi tanks, it does make sense (and something I tried to do with my WHM (non-duo) when I could and we didnt have a PLD or a WAR (or PLD was out of MP or anything like that)

        As for my Enthusiasm, well i always try to think outside of the box, and give it my all, so this wont be like some others attempts (just a half ass one party or couple levels kind of thing) I will have the gear, food, and determination to see how well it truly works, and maybe open other peoples eyes (or maybe my own if it fails miserably) to just try things that arnt the norm

