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{Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

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  • {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

    I'm not going to spoil anything. Suffice to say this fight is BITCHING HARD compared to the rest of ToAU!

    Mission 44 is NUTS. Ugh, my PT tried at least 4 times and every time we ended up dying to the "small guy" because he's freaking invincible...

    If only our RDM had chainspell ready, but it was used on an earlier run in order to chainspell stun. unfortunately as he was activating it the BLM died ><

    Has anyone managed to beat this yet?


  • #2
    Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

    SC+MB. Freeze II MB takes about 20-30% off the "little" guy's HP.
    Read my blog.
    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
    Entry 32: Death to Castro


    • #3
      Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

      Someone post a video already.


      • #4
        Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

        Trying out this spoiler tag and see if I can get it to work


        • #5
          Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

          It's not the 'Big guy' we have trouble with (never even got to him -,-) it's the little guy.

          Where's this vid Feba?



          • #6
            Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

            How are you doing on the first two forms of the "small guy", are you wiping to just the 3rd form?

            Also, what's your party setup? I really think the key to our party setup was the pld/nin tank and the blu/thf. If the pld can hold hate of nuking mages (holy, JAs, SATA cannonball, High Breath Mantle) you shouldn't have too much trouble. We actually had an easier time with him when our only magic was whm, smn, and blu.

            The Blu was doing ok with head butt stunning Eyes On Me, and could tank alright for the majority. I was do fair damage with whm banishing, in fact pulled hate a lot the second and third attempts. If you're using a pld, cover should help if you got enough magic damage to burn him down fast. I didn't try, but could the blm land burn on him? That could help as well.

            Umm, if I think of something else, I'll try to add here. Good luck!


            • #7
              Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

              The small guys immunity isn't automatically physical, its the type of damage that dealt the most damage in the first 2 forms. So if you "arrowburn" his first 2 lives, he will be Ranged attack immune in his 3rd, do most damage with Melee->physical immune on 3rd form, same with dealing the most damage with magic. So plan accordingly and it won't be as hard.
              Last edited by Gobo; 08-28-2007, 08:41 PM.

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #8
                Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                Some tips:

                -Eyes on Me is very easy to stun. You can pretty much prevent it ever going off with 2 stunners.

                -The whole gimmick is said above, he becomes immune based on what you kill him with. A BLM + Sleeper can easily solo the final form. My a MB'd Freeze II pretty much took off 50%.

                -For the big boss, you dont' have to stand in melee range.

                -the WS he spams is physical. It can missed and is effected by items like Earth Staff

                -It's very easy to avoid the big guy's 2hr with distance.

                -it's an endurance fight.

                -Stun helps.
                Read my blog.
                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                Entry 32: Death to Castro


                • #9
                  Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                  Do we get to nuke Shantotto?

                  I'm kidding by the way, I'd rather not be spoiled.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • #10
                    Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                    2% TWO FREAKING %!

                    ARGH I hate this guy. we first tried with COR BLM DRK WAR PLD WAR and kept dying on the first guy's 2'nd and third forms.

                    Tried it again with a drk ad a blm, got throiugh to alexander and got ownd at like 80%

                    Now try 3. SAM PLD BLMx2 RDM WHM

                    This worked wonderfully. not a single death untill thrst 2hr! we raised up, he was at 50% with 6 min on the cloick we decided full 2hr across the spread was in order.

                    We got him to 2%, and for the first time in ages the bastard heals! We get him to 4% and again, bastard heals up to something like 8%!

                    I'm really sick of this guy allready, give me Promanthia anyday -.-

                    This is what happens when people bitch about ToAU being shit because of easy fights and them spending all their time on kick ass cutscenes, well thanks a bunch. Enjoy spending about 300k in reraise items fighting this bugger (And the fight before this is also a lot of fun, 1/2 though with some fluke!)

                    I JUST had an idea!

                    Gallant roll! with the PLD you absolutly have to use, thats a crap load of damage reflected. As sam i was doing about 50's and 150 WS's, reflecting like 20% damage (a low-avarge roll with PLD) thats reflecting 20% of his fast spammage of physical WS hits...
                    Last edited by Kuro; 08-28-2007, 04:09 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                      Yeah I can't beat this mother either...

                      SAM/RNG will destroy BLU on the 3rd form. Spamming Sidewinder takes out so much of his HP! ^^b

                      I just can't kill Alex though. Ugh I'm SICK of him. 8 tries now, not 1 win. Starting to wonder if Kraken DRK is the only way to beat him...

                      Aslo, according to wiki his Divine Sacrament attack is physical... so what about a DRK with Dread Spikes ? >. > Not a bad idea with gallants roll btw. That'd be awesome if that's the key to winning... finally put that stupid roll to use.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                        Just beat this 1/1 . We went PLD/WAR, BLM, BRD, BLU, WHM, SAM. We pulled the BLU to the entrance and on his first two forms we only meleed, no nukes at all, then on his third form, I tanked while the BLM used nuke/sleep method. BLU is very handy on all forms to head butt his Eyes On Me. On Alexander, I tanked near the entrance at full Voke distance using Earth Staff, DD's went in and mages stood out of range of his damage. WHM kept me alive while I spammed everything to keep hate. We wiped at 50%, reraised then went again and just managed it with about 3 mins to spare.

                        It's a class fight, it has to be said!


                        • #13
                          Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                          I ... Hate ... You!


                          • #14
                            Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                            Do none of you have fraps?


                            • #15
                              Re: {Last Boss} {Impossible to guage!}

                              They prolly do but its like the heat of the bring a condom with you but do you put it on....

                              Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

