I need a Schlaeger. I have a friend who has Alchemy Lv.86 and wants to make me a Bloody Rapier, but we can't find the damn sword! I have all the other ingredients, but not the sword. The last one I can see that was sold, was sold in September! 
Is there anybody here who is willing to sell one, or could make one. They go for about 40k from what it shows, but if somebody can craft them, I can pay for supplies. Drop me a line here, a PM, or send a /tell Odude in game. I'm Lv.55 and I want my Bloody Rapier!

Is there anybody here who is willing to sell one, or could make one. They go for about 40k from what it shows, but if somebody can craft them, I can pay for supplies. Drop me a line here, a PM, or send a /tell Odude in game. I'm Lv.55 and I want my Bloody Rapier!