Re: Static Party
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Static Party
Re: Static Party
hey im not looking for a long term static party and well we only have one night that we can do this. we play every thursday starting at about 5:30/ 6. currently we have a Tralius as Drg and me (Taila) as MNK both 38 (atm). whoot. we are looking for others who would like to play with us and are commited to this party. we ask for a few things. be nice (as in not rude or ignorant) please dont make us wait to long for you when we pt. and for trals sake please have something of your armor in range. (hes a little bit of a freak about it.) so give us a pm on thursday if you have anything in this range.
so if you want in Pm Trailus or Taila thanks!
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Static Party
I know I posted this elsewhere but I figure i'd try to network this on the diabolos server section (hopefully bring some life into it ^^). Reply here (preferably here) or there, doesn't matter. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. ^^ Anywho, here it is!
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