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Twinkle Showers?

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  • Twinkle Showers?

    My alchemy level is currently 20, and I mainly got into Alchemy for the fireworks
    I was wondering if Making Twinkle showers would help raise my Alchemy level? It seems to be pretty cheap as long as I go to the appropiate npcs but I want to make sure its a good choice before I start making a bunch of them

    Thank you

  • #2
    Re: Twinkle Showers?

    twinking shower caps 25 so yes you can gain skill from it.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Twinkle Showers?

      They aren't the best of Fireworks though.
      Server: Ramuh
      Jobs: Dark Knight, Red Mage
      Level: Not stated, because I can't be bothered updating 5 signatures when I level. Lets say mid levels.



      • #4
        Re: Twinkle Showers?

        Originally posted by Standablaze
        They aren't the best of Fireworks though.
        I don't mind them though. They are kind of understated.

        Plus, it doesn't really matter if the OP is just making them for skill.


        • #5
          Re: Twinkle Showers?

          Yeah I just want to make my first firework and get skills off of it Im just having troubles finding cheap firesand now


          • #6
            Re: Twinkle Showers?

            Originally posted by Standablaze
            They aren't the best of Fireworks though.
            you missed out, i made a few metric tons of ouka raman (sp?) and npc'd most of it because 1 or 2 stacks selling a day for next to nothing means very little when it'd take roughly 1/2 a month or more to sell what I had assuming no competition.
            Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
            Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


            • #7
              Re: Twinkle Showers?

              Originally posted by Kushiel
              Yeah I just want to make my first firework and get skills off of it Im just having troubles finding cheap firesand now
              Firesand on Remora is a profit synth without HQ (though not tons and tons of profit). Maybe you can find someone who would otherwise be skilling up on Prism Powders and work out some kind of arrangement.

              As someone who is skilling up on Prism Powders, and only doing so when I can buy cheap Goblin Masks, I would be all over that arrangement. But I'm probably weird, what with the patience and stuff.

              Or a high-level Alchemist to make a deal with. Note: Firesand is still not "cheap." Assuming no HQ, you're looking at around 10-12k per stack, depending on Bastok fame for the NPCs that sell the ingredients and the price of Earth Crystals.
              Ellipses on Fenrir
              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
              . . .


              • #8
                Re: Twinkle Showers?

                Originally posted by Ellipses
                Firesand on Remora is a profit synth without HQ (though not tons and tons of profit). Maybe you can find someone who would otherwise be skilling up on Prism Powders and work out some kind of arrangement.

                As someone who is skilling up on Prism Powders, and only doing so when I can buy cheap Goblin Masks, I would be all over that arrangement. But I'm probably weird, what with the patience and stuff.

                Or a high-level Alchemist to make a deal with. Note: Firesand is still not "cheap." Assuming no HQ, you're looking at around 10-12k per stack, depending on Bastok fame for the NPCs that sell the ingredients and the price of Earth Crystals.
                If I were on Remora I'd totally hook you up with Goblin Masks (I find a lot of them). Although I might ask for the occasional stack of prism powders in return.

                Or I could, you know, work on Alchemy, like I've been saying I will for months.

